


美式发音: ['mɒntɪ] 英式发音: ['mɒntɪ]






n.1.a game in which a player chooses between two cards and bets on being dealt a card of that same suit before being dealt a card of the other suit2.something that is sure to happen or sure to be had or achieved

1.蒙特 montanha 山 monte monte 山山 ...

5.蒙堤 05. Is This The End 就这样结束了吗 06. Monte 山之物语 07. Kantoi 揭穿假面 ...

7.纸牌戏 ... membrane 薄膜,膜皮,羊皮纸) monte (西班牙式)纸牌戏) newspaper 报纸) ...

8.蒙提 Monroe 门罗 Monte 蒙提 Montenegro 男性 ...


1.monte cristo raised his head once more , and this time he was calm as a child awaking from its sleep.基督山再一次抬头来,这一次,他的脸平静得象刚睡醒的小孩子一样。

2.really , " said monte cristo , lowering his voice , " you do not appear to me to be very enthusiastic on the subject of this marriage .“说实话,”基督山说道,压低了声音,“照我看,您好象对这桩婚事并不十分热心。”

3.Monte Cristo took off the wig which disfigured him, and let fall his black hair, which added so much to the beauty of his palpd features.伯爵脱掉了那改变他相貌的假发,垂下了他那漆黑的头发,使他那苍白的脸顿时英俊了许多。

4.He was disagreeably surprised to see his own valet DE chambre, whom he had not brought, that he might not inconvenience Monte Cristo.他紧张地在院子里看到了他自己的贴身跟班,他并没有吩咐他跟来,恐惧使基督山感到不便。

5.Oh. " said Monte Cristo " it would be quite superfluous for you to tell me, for I already know it.“噢,”基督山说,“您告诉我也多余,因为我已经知道了。”

6."What was the name of your old master? " said Monte Cristo.“你的旧主人叫什么名字?”基督山问道。

7.Monte Carlo methods have been used for decades in physics, engineering, statistics, and other fields.蒙特卡罗方法已用于物理数十年来,工程,统计等领域。

8.While it certainly has the sun, sea and sand, for the moment Batumi remains more Morecambe than Monte Carlo.巴统固然有阳光、海水和沙滩,但现时的巴统更像摩肯(Morecambe,英格兰西北部小镇)而不是蒙特卡洛。

9.Now, however, programmers are making impressive gains with a technique known as the Monte Carlo method.然而现在,程序员利用一项被称为蒙特卡罗方法的技术取得了重大进展。

10.The next day, Monte de Rosa held a press conference, denouncing the decision as "discrimination, pure and simple. "次日,蒙特罗莎在举办的新闻发布会上谴责这个决定是“赤裸裸的歧视”。