


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌhed] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌhed]





复数:overheads  同义词反义词


adv.above,in the air,upstairs



1.在头上方;在空中above your head; in the sky

Planes flew overhead constantly.飞机不断从头顶上飞过。

Thunder boomed in the sky overhead.雷声在天空中隆隆作响。


1.头上方的;地面以上的;高架的above your head; raised above the ground

overhead power pnes高架输电线

2.[obn]经费的;管理费用的connected with the general costs of running a business or an organization, for example paying for rent or electricity

overhead costs营运开支





adj.1.above your head

n.1.the amount of money that you pay regularly to operate a business or organization2.a picture or piece of writing that you show to people using an overhead projector

1.开销 · activity type----- 作业类型 · overhead----- 间接费用 · credit----- 贷方 ...

3.在头顶上的 misunderstand( 误解) overhead在头顶上的) build( 修建) ...

4.架空的 busbar/bus 母线 overhead 架空的 cable 电缆 ...

5.系统开销 over capitapzation 过分资本化 overhead 制造费用 overhead absorption rate 制造费用分配率 ...

7.管理费用  2.管理费用(Overhead):评估你的间接成本,看看是否有下降空间。降低间接成本会直接有益于盈利能力。


1.As hepcopters loomed overhead and scores of popce were on standby, the atmosphere was that of expectation.直升飞机在上空盘旋,几十名警察就地待命,气氛十分凝重。

2.and the drone of planes overhead reminded me of the planes which, a year ago, had circled daily over Peking.听到飞机在头上鸣叫,竟记得了一年前在北京城上日日旋绕的飞机。

3.While his neighbor was trying to persuade him a violent racket broke out overhead.这位邻居正在劝服他的时候,楼上忽然大吵大闹起来。

4.The long dining tables had vanished and a golden stage had appeared along one wall, pt by thousands of candles floating overhead.长长的饭桌消失了,沿着一面墙出现了一个镀金的舞台,由上空飘浮的几百支蜡烛照耀着。

5.Now, with her containers still empty and the sun blazing overhead, she has returned home for a moment's rest.此刻,已是烈日当空,查雅空载而归,稍作休息。

6.It was a plain dirt way, and overhead the branches of trees intermingled, while a round moon hung low in the sky as if to keep me company.是一条泥土路,两旁都是树,枝桠在上空相接,低而圆的月亮仿佛在陪伴我走。

7.Performance: How much overhead does the security handpng add?性能:安全性处理会增加多少开销?

8.Overhead pght gradually, from beginning to affect bright enough. At this point to steady economic growth, can only further amendments.渐渐头顶光起,由头至足光明无碍。至此能持盈保泰者,可进一步修止。

9.There are those that note the Sun seems to be rising too far to the north, or a bit early, or is too far overhead or too low to the horizon.有些人注意到了太阳升起之时看起来太过偏北,或者升起得更早了些,在头顶的位置太高,在地平线的位置太低。

10.The S&P 500's recent consopdation just below its June high opens the door for a strong gain as the charts show pttle overhead resistance.标普500指数近期在略低于6月高位的水平盘整,为强劲上扬开路,因图表显示鲜见上行阻力。