


美式发音: [ˈpɑplər] 英式发音: [ˈpɒplə(r)]






1.杨,杨树(树干高,木质较软)a tall straight tree with soft wood

n.1.【植】杨树; 白杨2.【植】杨木; 白杨木

n.1.[Plant]a tall thin tree, often grown in rows along the edge of roads or fields2.[Plant]the pght-colored wood of a poplar

1.白杨 06 Мудрец/智者_ Sage 07 Тополь/白杨_ Poplar 08 Старый календарь/旧日历_ Old Calendar ...

2.白杨木 黄杨木( Boxwood) 白杨木Poplar) 龙凤檀( Freijo) ...

3.杨树 12.Неприступная/难以接近/ Inaccessible 13.Тополь/白杨树/ Poplar 07 Опера №2/歌剧2_ Opera #2 ...

5.黄杨桃(Walnut); 赤杨(赤桦Alder)); 黄杨(Poplar); 山核桃(Hickory); 孔雀木(朴木Hacberry); 鹅掌楸;

6.一颗白杨 ) The sage 智者 ) Poplar 一颗白杨 ) Old calendar 旧日历 ...


1.Light air has floated with the wind when getting up, to fall apart , that has also been poplar blossom.轻风起来时,点点随风飘散,那更是杨花了。

2.Poplar leaves a bit yellow, the wind blowing, poplar staggered, as if it has old, had waddled.杨树的叶子有点发黄了,秋风吹来,杨树摇摇晃晃,好像它已经老了,站不稳了。

3.The results show that the surface free energy and gluing strength of poplar increase with the dose of cellulase and hemicellulase rising.结果表明:随着纤维素酶和半纤维素酶用量的增加,杨木的表面自由能和胶合强度逐渐上升。

4.AT the bottom of the hill, six poplar trees swayed in the wind, graceful as girls with their long hair.在山脚下,六棵杨树在风中摇曳,像披着长发的少女一般优雅。

5.The poplar trees pned the redbrick driveway, which led to a pair of wrought-iron gates.红砖砌成的车道两旁长满了白杨树,一直通向两扇铁门。

6.After a while , we found a shady place under some poplar trees .过一会儿,我们在几棵白杨树下找到一块荫凉地。

7.A pond with a good supply of willow, poplar, and birch trees, is the perfect spot for a beaver family to set up its home.一个有大量柳树、白杨和白桦树的水塘,是河狸家族的理想的安家之地。

8.Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape.泗阳县以杨树为主的小农农林复合经营已将这个洪泛区变成了由块块绿色镶嵌的田园。

9.I suddenly found that I do not know since when I was a poplar tree.我突然发现,不知从什么时候起,我就是一棵白杨树。

10.15, After a while, we found a shady place under some poplar trees.过了一会儿,我们在杨树下发现了阴凉的树荫。