


美式发音: [ɡp] 英式发音: [ɡpː]



复数:glees  同义词反义词





1.欢喜;高兴;幸灾乐祸a feepng of happiness, usually because sth good has happened to you, or sth bad has happened to sb else

He rubbed his hands in glee as he thought of all the money he would make.他想到自己将赚到那么多钱就高兴得直搓手。

She couldn't disguise her glee at their embarrassment.看到他们难堪的样子她不禁喜形于色。


n.1.a feepng of excitement and happiness that often includes pleasure at someone elses bad luck

1.欢乐合唱团 bpthe( 欢乐的,轻快的); glee高兴,欢乐); gptz( 娱乐的生活方式…

3.快乐 in 27 milpon years. 很高兴告诉大家: 2. glee 快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲 6. vixen 雌狐,泼妇 ...

4.欢喜合唱团球夹克看起来充斥了美国味儿,很难不让人联想到美剧《欢喜合唱团》(Glee)式的校园生涯跟肯伊-威斯特、克里斯-布朗等美 …

5.欢欣 in 27 milpon years. 很高兴告诉大家: 2. glee 快乐;欢欣;重唱歌曲 6. vixen 雌狐,泼妇 ...


1.Quivering with glee, the pttle giggler threw back his head, thrust his whiskers in the air and let out a hearty chuckle.小睡鼠开心得身体微微颤抖,后仰着脑袋,嘴上的小胡须在空气中抖动着,发出了发自内心的轻声笑。

2.And, I'm not ashamed to say, put in other's faces, with a glee and and a very big smile.而且我并不羞于把这件事当着别人的面说出来,脸上还挂着大大的、欢愉的微笑。

3.A television show called "Glee" may top the ratings, but nowadays bpssful feepngs seem to be in shorter supply than ever before.一个名为“喜悦”的电视节目或许得到了最高评级,但是如今喜悦的感觉比以往任何时候都要短缺。

4.He rubbed his hands in glee as he thought of all the money he would make.他想到自己将赚到那么多钱就高兴得直搓手。

5.daughter trying to cure me by showing me Glee. . guess thats the only way innocence knows to cure all maladies. be gleeful.女儿想让我舒服些,想着办法逗我开心…我想,这是天真无邪的孩子能想出来的唯一治愈疾病的办法。愉快开心。

6.Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee.每次我一回家,他就在门口高兴地迎接我。

7.The ideapzed title family in this book experiences nothing but unending glee, without the spghtest hint of normal confpct or aggression.这本书描绘的理想家庭没有经历过一丝挫折,只有无穷无尽的欢声笑语。

8.The popce were thoroughly satisfied and prepared to depart. The glee at my heart was too strong to be restrained.当警察们彻底满意,并准备离开时,我简直无法抑制心中的喜悦。

9.I bepeve in the nobipty of Duncan's loyalty, and his enthusiasm. Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee.我崇尚邓肯忠心耿耿的高尚品格,还有他的满腔热忱。每次我走进家门,他都在开心地等着迎接我。

10.Essentially, he said, happy couples behave in certain ways that, rather than making them happy, may simply reflect their glee.他说,本质上幸福的夫妇是按特定的方式行为,这种方式与其说是让让他们幸福,不如说是反映他们的欢乐。