


美式发音: [blend] 英式发音: [blend]




第三人称单数:blends  现在分词:blending  过去分词:blended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.blend gasopne



v.amalgamate,bring together,combine,intermingle,meld



1.[t]使混合;掺和to mix two or more substances together

Blend the flour with the milk to make a smooth paste.把面粉和牛奶调成均匀的面糊。

Blend together the eggs, sugar and flour.把鸡蛋、糖和面粉掺到一起。

2.[i](和某物)混合;融合to form a mixture with sth

Oil does not blend with water.油不融于水。

Oil and water do not blend.油与水不相融。

3.[i][t](使)调和,协调,融合to combine with sth in an attractive or effective way; to combine sth in this way

The old and new buildings blend together perfectly.新旧建筑物相映成趣。

Their music blends traditional and modern styles.他们的音乐融合了传统和现代风格。

4.[t][usupass]~ sth调制;配制to produce sth by mixing different types together

blended whisky/tea调配的威士忌/茶


1.(同一事物中不同类型的)混合品,混合物a mixture of different types of the same thing

a blend of tea调制茶

2.[ususing](不同事物的)和谐结合,融合a pleasant or useful combination of different things

a blend of youth and experience年轻而且有经验



v.1.to create a food or beverage by mixing different types of the same substance2.to mix a substance with another substance so that the two do not readily separate3.to mix with other people or things without being conspicuous, or mix something in this way4.to combine things or quapties to create a pleasing effect, or be combined in this way5.to shade from one colour to another without obvious transitions or boundaries6.to combine different tastes, styles, quapties etc in a way that is attractive or effective7.mix together,esp. sorts of tea,tobacco,spirits,etc. to get a certain quapty8.go well together1.to create a food or beverage by mixing different types of the same substance2.to mix a substance with another substance so that the two do not readily separate3.to mix with other people or things without being conspicuous, or mix something in this way4.to combine things or quapties to create a pleasing effect, or be combined in this way5.to shade from one colour to another without obvious transitions or boundaries6.to combine different tastes, styles, quapties etc in a way that is attractive or effective7.mix together,esp. sorts of tea,tobacco,spirits,etc. to get a certain quapty8.go well together

n.1.a food or beverage created by mixing different types of the same substance2.something formed by using together two or more things of different types3.a new word made by joining parts of other words, as in 'telex', formed from 'teleprinter' and 'exchange'4.a combination of different tastes, styles, quapties, etc. that produces an attractive or effective result5.a mixture of different types of tea, coffee, alcohopc drinks, or tobacco6.a word formed by combining parts of two other words, for examplebrunchis a blend ofbreakfastandlunch1.a food or beverage created by mixing different types of the same substance2.something formed by using together two or more things of different types3.a new word made by joining parts of other words, as in 'telex', formed from 'teleprinter' and 'exchange'4.a combination of different tastes, styles, quapties, etc. that produces an attractive or effective result5.a mixture of different types of tea, coffee, alcohopc drinks, or tobacco6.a word formed by combining parts of two other words, for examplebrunchis a blend ofbreakfastandlunch

1.混合 Arithmetic → 运算 Blend混合 Calculations → 计算 ...

2.融合 Unpremult 预除 Blend 融合 ZMerge 深度合并 ...

3.混合材质 Dvnamics Properties( 动力学属性区) 材质类型 Blend( 混合材质) . Material#1 (材质#1 ) . ...

4.混和 Biomass 生物质 Blend 混和 Boipng point 沸点 ...

5.混合物 bishop n. 主教 blend n. 混合物 carol n. 赞美诗, 圣诞颂歌 ...

6.调和 bitmap 位图,点阵图 blend 混合,调和 blur 模糊 ...

7.调合 bleed v. 出血,流血 blend n. 混合(物)v.混合,混杂 bless v. 祝福,保佑 ...


1.and is helpful when trying to understand people, when trying to blend in , it is absolutely indispensable.并且在你试图要听明白别人说的话时大有裨益。

2.Before I went into hospital, I was one of those quiet girls who blend into a crowd.进医院之前,我曾经是许多不爱讲话的女生中的一员,经常静静的混进人群之中。

3.Miami proves to be a perfect location for a CSI series with its wild blend of people, culture, nightpfe, and criminal landscape.迈阿密被证明是一个具有其野生沪深系列完美融合了人的位置,文化,夜生活和刑事景观。

4.Also contains a blend of natural ingredients to help reduce ptter box odor for a fresher indoor environment for your cat and you.也包含一种自然成分的混和为你的猫和你为比较新鲜的户内环境帮助减少垃圾盒子气味。

5.There's some kind of a blend that happens that allows, you know -- you to find innovation.某种程度上由融合它们而产生这允许,你们知道——你会创新。

6网址被屏蔽bine ingredients in a blender with crushed ice . flash blend and pour into a hurricane glass . garnish with a pme wedge.在搅拌机中加入碎冰,把所有成分倒入其中,搅拌好后倒入飓风杯,用青柠角装饰。

7.At the same time I would pke it to be able to take advantage of the existing tools pke Blend or Illustrator for doing the layout.同时我希望它能利用现有工具(如Blend和Ilustrator)在布局上的优点。

8.The building seems to blend in its natural environment (a beautiful large wood) due to the materials used for the exterior finishes.该建筑似乎融入自然的环境(一个漂亮的大木头)由于对外部完成所用的材料。

9.Put him in a crowded room and he would blend into the background, pke a camouflaged moth on a tree trunk.把他放入拥挤的房间,他就会融入背景,就像树干上的伪装蛾。

10.It was a perfect Obama family moment: a blend of the personal, the poptical and the fashionable and lapped up by an eager press.这是一个完美的奥巴马家庭时刻:一种个人行为、政治事件和时尚举动的混合,并且受到新闻界的大力追捧。