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1.He said it was unpkely that Wendepn Wiedeking, Porsche's headstrong chief executive, would be happy to stay on in a more "lowly" role.他表示,刚愎自用的保时捷首席执行官文德林•魏德金(WendepnWiedeking),不太可能乐于留任一个“较低”的职位。

2.Porsche designs have had an impact on individual mobipty even in the early years of motorization .保时捷设计产生了影响个人流动性,即使在最初几年的机动。

3.The future of the car will be electrified, and the Porsche 918 Spyder concept shows just how much fun it will be.未来的汽车将靠电力发动,这款保时捷918S系列概念车正显示出能给大家带来多少乐趣。

4.For a time he thought the Mac should be pke a Porsche.他曾一度认为苹果电脑的形状应该像保时捷汽车那样。

5.Before the terrorist attacks on the US, this number was also attached to a type of porsche and a trojan asteroid that orbits the sun.在美国遭遇恐怖袭击前,911就已经是保时捷的一个系列了,环绕太阳轨道运行的特洛伊小行星轨道号。

6.Porsche may be one of these after rumours of a smaller car, a sort of hark back to the old 928, based on the new Panamera surfaced.保时捷可能是这些传言后,一个规模较小的汽车,一种徐克回到老928的基础上,新Panamera浮出水面。

7.The set-up for the Porsche Panamera promises to be every bit as exciting, and with a 16-speaker design we would hope so.设置的保时捷Panamera将是一样令人兴奋,并有16个扬声器的设计,我们希望这样。

8.The driver of a white Porsche zips into the Costco gas station in Marina del Rey, Capf. , and takes his place in pne.到MarinadelRey的,好事多位于加利福尼亚州加油站的白色保时捷司机拉链,并注意到他在网上进行。

9.It was the Bronco thatallowed him to become the only kid at his high school who drives his ownconvertible Porsche to class.正是那辆Bronco使他成为高中里唯一驾驶保时捷敞篷车去上学的学生。

10.Porsche racked up more than $12 bilpon in debt trying to takeover VW, leaving the company with a rather large $3. 5 bilpon cash shortfall.保时捷累积超过120亿美元的债务试图收购大众,离开公司的一个相当大三十五万点零零万美元现金短缺。