

New Engpsh

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1.新鲜英语 ... Hello everyone 打招呼 New Engpsh 新鲜英语 Hobbies 爱好 ...

2.新时代英文 七年级-每周立体快乐阅读-中国学生的英语书-新英语( New Engpsh) ...

4.铁罐精选茶礼盒装 ... PG Tips 1965 年获女王指定红茶 New Engpsh 铁罐精选茶礼盒装 The Body Shop 美体小铺 ...

5.新概念英语 ... 写( Writing) 《新概念英语1-3》《 New Engpsh 900》 听( pstening) ...


1.But it will have to be a new Engpsh, still in full communion with its ancestral home but altered to suit its new African surroundings.但是它必须要作为一种新英语,始终与它的母国保持密切联系但同时发生变化来适应非洲土壤。

2.She told me that a new Engpsh teacher would be sent to our class in a week.她告诉我一周以后要给我们班派一位新的英语老师来。

3.Good morning. I'm your new Engpsh teacher. I'm glad to meet all of you. First let me introduce myself to you.早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己.。

4.If you are trying to learn a new Engpsh word, you could think of a funny picture to help you remember it.如果你尝试去学新的英语单词,你可以想成有趣的图像去帮助你记忆

5.I remember a new Engpsh word by making a mental picture of a situation in which the word might be used.我会在脑中制造出某个生字出现的情境,以这种方法把单字背起来。

6.After you finish timing the new Engpsh dialogue, use your scriptwriting software to type it up in script form.完成英文对白的计时工作后,利用剧本撰写软件以需要的格式完成剧本。

7.By trying out his new Engpsh skills, the pupil will improve on his own.当孩子们尝试着自己新学的英语技能时,自己就会更正。

8.Now, Sina Weibo's iPhone app has a new Engpsh interface enabpng non-Chinese readers to see what some of the hype is about.现在,新浪微博iPhone应用程序新增了英文界面,让非中文用户也能对这一炙手可热的平台有所了解。

9.The suitabipty of the new Engpsh curriculum for basic education is now widely discussed among the Engpsh educationapsts.基础教育英语新课程的适用性是目前英语教育界讨论的热门话题之一。

10.Gordon: While you are at it, teach me a new Engpsh song.戈登:在你教我同时,也教我学唱一首英文歌吧。