



美式发音: [poʊz] 英式发音: [pəʊz]




复数:poses  现在分词:posing  过去式:posed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pose threat,pose risk,pose challenge,pose question,pose problem




v.1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置


v.1.to create a difficult or dangerous situation2.to sit or stand somewhere so that someone can take a photograph of you or paint a picture of you3.to dress or behave in a particular way to make people notice you, admire you, or be impressed by you

n.1.the position you keep your body in when someone is taking your photograph or painting your picture2.behavior that is not natural or sincere and is intended to impress or trick people

1.摆姿势 闭气 holding breathing 摆架势 posing 紧握拳 clench ...

5.姿势外 ... 「Posing姿势外,还有 「Posing」 姿势中包含:小孩、情侣、肖像、女性、男性、 …

6.姿态 输出 Output, 姿态 Posing, 技术 Technical,Textport, ...


1.We are often used to see Hollywood starlets posing gracefully in magazines, appearing in feminine, glamorous pictorials.过去我们常常看到,好莱坞大腕们摆着优雅的姿势,妩媚地出现在各种杂志上。

2.Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more.正当机器们(以阴险的“特工”形象出现)竭力阻止Neo挖掘出更多有关TheMatrix的信息时,Morpheus联系上了Neo。

3.Nigel: Come on angel, let me introduce you to the press. Sorry Mike no boyfriends allowed. [Posing and mumbling] Baby. . . Hm. Baby.邓:来吧,天使,我介绍你见见记者。抱歉,迈克,不带男朋友。宝贝……

4.Other compositions included a group of men posing together near the parking garage and a mixed group of men and women on another bridge.其它几组照片包括,一组男性在停车场附近的集体造型和一个男女混合组在另一座桥上的造型。

5.It is comforting, slightly, that the regime is still at least a few years away from posing an immediate threat.聊可宽慰的是,北韩政权至少还得修炼几年才能对国际社会造成马上的威胁。

6.Please note that this system does not guarantee the holding of every posing or self-standing.但是不担保可以做每个姿势或者半蹲造型。

7.All those campaign stops on the factory floor, posing beside muscular men in overalls and hard hats, seem to have paid off.所有竞选活动在工厂地板上进行,身穿罩袍头戴安全帽的肌肉发达的汉子站在旁边,看来他们已经发完工资了。

8.It is at least the second occasion on which the Afghans have been duped by people posing as Taliban envoys.这至少是第二次阿富汗被假扮为塔利班使者的人所欺骗。

9.This bond has allowed him to pull off the remarkable trick of posing as the leader of the opposition to his own incompetent government.他与民众的这种关系也使他能够如意地让反对党领袖取代其无能政府的天衣无缝的计划付之东流。

10.Particularly in Taiwan, where the rich and the powerful are posing as role models, people have learned that selfishness seems to pay.尤其在台湾这个把富人和掌权人做为榜样的地方,人们已经学会自私自利就像买东西付钱那样天经地义。