


美式发音: [ˈpoʊstɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊstɪdʒ]





1.邮资;邮费the cost of sending a letter, etc. by post

an increase in postage rates邮费的增加

How much was the postage on that letter?寄那封信要多少钱?

All prices include postage and packing .所有的价格都包括邮资和包装费。

All prices include postage and handpng .所有的价格都包括邮资和手续费。


n.1.money that you pay in order to send letters and packages through the mail2.an amount of stamps

1.邮费 SHOES 鞋子 POSTAGE 邮费 TOPS T恤 ...

2.邮资 posterior 较后的 postage 邮资 postoffice 邮局 ...

3.邮费说明 欢迎光临本店! welcome to my shop! bo 邮费说明 POSTAGE 店铺公告 NOTICE ...

4.邮资说明 Member 会员中心 Postage 邮资说明 Customer Service 客服中心 ...

5.邮费补拍 袜子 Socks 邮费补拍 Postage 香奈儿 Chanel ...

6.邮费专拍 Suit 套装 Postage 邮费专拍 Pants 长裤 ...

7.邮费补差 热卖区 HOT SALE 邮费补差 POSTAGE 上衣 TOP ...

8.运费 Deposit 订金* Postage 运费* SF-express 顺丰速运* ...


1.How much is the postage for sending a surface mail letter to Shanghai.往上海寄封平信需要贴多少钱的邮票?

2.How much is the postage on these letters to Thailand, please?这些信寄到泰国邮资是多少?

3.How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹需付多少钱?

4.How much was the postage on that parcel?邮寄那件包裹要多少钱?

5.Dear Sir, I have clearly informed you that SDY would not bear the postage of samples which was one of the company's regulation.我己经很清楚的告诉您了,SDY公司经营的原则是不承担样品邮寄费的。

6.the only HUH? ? factor here: i might be paying more for the postage than the book itself. could go up to 5 times more! !唯一让我啊??的一点:我可能得付比书更贵的邮费。可能高达五倍!!没办法啦!!

7.Known as the "Iron Hammer" for her powerful spikes , Lang has appeared on her own postage stamp.郎因其扣球凶猛被誉为“铁榔头”,她还曾出现在邮票中。

8.How much is the postage for a postcard?明信片的邮资是多少?

9.It was ugly. It had a monochrome screen the size of a postage stamp.它确实很丑,它仅配备了一块邮票大小的单色显示屏。

10.Our guest tonight is a man of ambition who once confided to me that his ultimate dream was to have his picture on a postage stamp .我们今晚的客人是一个有雄心的人,他有一次向我坦露心声说他最终的梦想是把他的头像印在邮票上。