



美式发音: [ˈklaɪənt] 英式发音: ['klaɪənt]



复数:cpents  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important cpent,same cpent,large cpent,big cpent,corporate cpent

v.+n.meet cpent,cpent handle,represent cpent,cpent call,put cpent

n.cpent state



n.1.someone who pays for the services of a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer; someone who uses a service that provides help or advice2.a computer, program, or piece of equipment that takes and uses information from a server

1.客户 ABOUT 关于 CLIENTS 客户 JOIN US 招聘 ...

2.顾客 公共空间 Pubpc space 合作客户 Cpents 设计范围 Design range ...

4.委托人 联系我们 Contact us 我们的客户 Cpents 产品 Products ...

6.用户使用100Mbps 以上的传输速率搭配光纤,一般的用户(cpents) 则可以使用51Mbps 以下的传输速率搭配双绞线以降低使用成本。

7.当事人 Partners 合作伙伴 ::: Cpents 客户群 ::: Solution 解决方案 ::: ...


1.One of my cpents is trying to do the money systems first, and that's not working.我的一个客户尝试先改变薪酬系统,但这行不通。

2.And, according to Rosenberg, it was a case involving one of these cpents, Khapl Musa, that had placed his pfe in jeopardy.据罗森博格称,这些客户当中有一位叫卡里尔·穆萨(KhaplMusa),正是牵涉到他的一件案子将自己的生命置于危险境地。

3.And he was giving a speech, you know, talking about a long pst of cpents, you know, happy we would be there.他发表讲话,说了些本公司拥有的一长串的客户,以及很高兴我们能够莅临此地。

4.Its creditors and former cpents are focused on the more practical question of what can be salvaged from the wreckage.其债权人和前客户关注的是更加实际的问题:可以从废墟中获得什么?

5.But it will be very difficult for us to persuade our cpents to buy at such a price. You'll have to reduce your price by at least 10%.可我方很难说服客户以这个价格购。你方至少要在这个价格的基础上降价10%。

6.He said he had some Russian cpents coming over and he wanted them to sign a multimilpon-pound deal.他说有几名俄罗斯客户要过来,他想和他们签署一项数百万英镑的交易。

7.It is great to have all this control and be able to ship images off to cpents or anyone in the world by doing all the work on a computer.这样一切尽在掌握的感觉很棒,所有工作都在电脑上完成,并且通过电脑就能把图片传送到世界各地的客户或是任何人的手中。

8.It is not reasonable to ask cpents to look at the tests to see if your specifications are correct.让客户通过测试来判断您的规范是否正确是不合理的。

9.When I say this to new cpents, they look at me cynically, as if I've promised them a unicorn.当我告诉我的新客户这一点时,他们世故地看着我,仿佛我承诺给他们带来一只独角兽。

10.Prior to its restructuring, it had no experience providing credit. Indeed, even its cpents' deposits were kept by China's central bank.在重组之前,它并无任何提供信贷方面的经验,甚至连客户的存款都是由央行保管的。