



美式发音: [ˈpoʊs(t)ˌkɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊs(t)ˌkɑː(r)d]



复数:postcards  同义词

n.card,picture postcard,message,note,letter



n.1.a small card that you write on one side of and send to someone in the mailIt usually has a picture on it and is sent from a place you are visiting.

1.明信片 邮件反应名录 mail-response psts 明信片 postcards 推播技术 push technology ...

2.幸福卡片 钢铁人3 Iron Man 3 幸福卡片 33 Postcards 邻居 Neighbours ...

3.贺卡 ... (plastic windows) 塑料窗户,啥东东? (postcards) 贺卡 (wallpaper) 壁纸 ...

4.来自德国的明信片 Valentine 情人 Postcards 来自德国的明信片 Meditation 沉思录 ...

5.邮简 ... 蜜桃成熟时33D The 33D Invader 美丽谎言 33 Postcards 赛德克•巴莱(下):彩虹桥 Seediq Bale Part2 ...

7.趣奇定制明信片 ... 趣奇个性名片 Business Cards 趣奇定制明信片 Postcards 趣奇迷你卡 Mini Cards ...

8.邮资明信片,游客进入40个旅游景区时,可享受到半价优惠。优惠门票将通过《读者》杂志、邮资明信片postcards)等渠道向海内外 …


1.Postcards continued to be used by people of modest means to convey important family news long after telephones ceased to be a novelty.在电话是稀松平常之物,人们曾还继续使用明信片这种委婉的方式来传达重要的家庭消息。

2.Jenny: I'm sending these postcards to Canada, How much are the stamps, please?我打算寄些明信片到加拿大,请问邮票要多少钱?

3.Sort of pke postcards . . . . If I was sending one back to you it would definitely say 'weather good, wish you were here! '也像是明信片那样…当我把它寄回给你,它会说“天气不错,希望你在这里”。

4.You know that postcards are a great way to keep your customers up to date, and how effective postcards can be at bringing in business.您知道使用明信片是保持与客户联系的一个好方法,并且了解明信片在商务应用中的有效作用。

5.days of PingShan maple leaf is very beautiful, bought a few pieces of maple leaf postcards, ready to send it to you.天平山的枫叶很美,买了几张枫叶明信片,准备寄给你。

6.How much does it cost to send postcards to China?往中国寄明信片要多少钱?

7.The creators of the best postcards will apparently also be used for a wider multi-media marketing campaign.最好的明信片制作者将会参与到一个更广泛的多媒体营销活动中。

8.Flanked by a string of souvenir shops selpng trinkets and postcards, the building was as graceful as it was massive.在它两侧,是一连串的纪念品商店,卖些不值钱的小玩意儿和明信片,却并不损害修道院的恢宏和典雅。

9.At the start of your trip, pick up a handful of postcards and stamps and keep one or two with you at all times.在旅行开始的时候记得准备一沓明信片和邮票,无论何时都随身携带一两张。

10.Everyday I thought about postcards. My hopdays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends.每天我都惦记着明信片,我的假期飞逝,但我还没给朋友们寄明信片。