


美式发音: [ˈmæstərˌpis] 英式发音: [ˈmɑːstə(r)ˌpiːs]



复数:masterpieces  同义词

n.work of art,masterwork,magnum opus,tour de force,chef-d'oeuvre



1.代表作; 杰作;名著a work of art such as a painting, film/movie, book, etc. that is an excellent, or the best, example of the artist's work

The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces.博物馆收藏了他的几件立体派杰作。

Her work is a masterpiece of(= an excellent example of) simppcity.她的作品是朴实的典范。


n.1.an excellent painting, book, piece of music, etc., or the best work of art that a particular artist, writer, musician, etc. has ever produced2.an extremely good example of something

1.杰作 magnificent 壮丽的 masterpiece 杰作,名著 sideways 侧面的 ...

2.名著 magnificent 壮丽的 masterpiece 杰作,名著 sideways 侧面的 ...

3.拿手好戏 台湾当局 the Taiwan authorities 拿手好戏 masterpiece 内耗 in-fighting ...

4.代表作 mascupne a.男性的;强壮的 masterpiece n.杰作,代表作 meadow n.草 …

5.名作 master n. 主人;能手;硕士 masterpiece n. 杰作;名作 mat n. 草帘 ...

6.古典名著 Marvel○ 聊斋鬼话 masterpiece古典名著 Material○ 材料学院 ...

7.杰出的事 ... drawing n.画图;制图;图样 四级词汇 masterpiece n.杰作;杰出的事 四级词汇 softness n.柔软;柔和;温柔 六级词 …

8.名画花了我两个多钟头.有点累..我来碗鱼翅漱口先..我想说..我仰 …


1.Its natural beauty was created by a succession of volcanoes making it a fascinating geological masterpiece.它美丽的自然风光得益于火山的不断喷发,其景色令人心驰神往。

2.The world is such a beautiful masterpiece, and yet we encase ourselves in squared concrete houses!原来这世界这么美,我们却躲在四方的泥屋!

3.Look at the cousin, she seems to be pleased for his masterpiece, and I sigh in silence, only feel uncomfortable all over.看看表妹,她似乎正在为自己的杰作高兴,我默默的叹了口气,只觉得浑身不自在。

4.Create out of love of the process, and you just might find that your resulting creation turns out to be a masterpiece.把热爱融入到过程中去,然后你会刚好发现你最终的作品竟然是份杰作。【编者按:这一点严重同意!】

5.Yet Mozart's adolescent desire to show off his technical mastery did not, on this occasion, create a masterpiece.然后莫扎特的青少年愿望(炫耀自己的技术)在此之际没有创造出杰作。

6.In 1999, he began to usher in its heyday, his masterpiece [1999 Thank you for your love], becoming the highest degree of popular songs sung.在1999年,他开始迎来它的鼎盛时期,他的杰作[1999],谢谢你的爱,成为最高程度的流行歌曲演唱。

7.A reference to director Peter Chan, in the mind of every person is out of his masterpiece, "The Warlords " !一提到陈可辛导演,在每个人脑海中浮现出来的就是他的力作《投名状》!

8.As has "Brian's Apartment" a new film about Iraq redacted which seems to be hailed as a masterpiece by some.还有《布赖恩公寓》,这是一部关于伊拉克的影片,不少人觉得它是部很经典的电影。

9.This new step is, in the true and original sense of the word, a masterpiece.而这个新的发展,是真真正正的大师之作。

10.Envy may lead to bitterness, or to a decision to compete with a rival and the production of a masterpiece.妒忌可能引起怨恨,也可能激发起与对手竞争的决心,从而创造出杰作。