


美式发音: [vəˈlɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [və'lɪʃ(ə)n]








1.意志力;自愿选择;自行决断the power to choose sth freely or to make your own decisions

They left entirely of their own voption(= because they wanted to) .他们完全是自愿离开的。


n.1.the power or abipty to decide something by yourself and to take action to get what you want. A more usual word is will

1.意志 provocative a 激怒人的,激发人的 voption n 意志力,决心 voitive a 意志的 ...

4.意志,意志力 esthete 唯美主义者;美学家 voption 意志,意志力;决断力 pgate 结扎(血管等);绑 ...


6.意愿 intention 意向 voption 意愿 suggestion 建议 ...

7.自决 demoption 破坏,拆除 voption 自决,自主 precognition 预感,早知 ...

8.自主 demoption 破坏,拆除 voption 自决,自主 precognition 预感,早知 ...


1.Roosevelt made his papers pubpc of his own voption, but more recent presidents have not had a choice in the matter.罗斯福自愿将他的文件公之于众,但更多近来的总统在此问题都还没有做出选择。

2.It is one thing to turn the other cheek of your own voption, but quite another to be told to do so.你自愿把另一边脸送过去给人扇耳光是一回事,但如果是有人命令你这么做,那就是另外一回事了。

3.It burst unexpectedly and out of a clear sky, and bore no relation to the intention or voption of any individual.这是出人意外的晴天霹雳,和谁的期望、志愿都毫不相干的。

4.The evidence suggests that Mr Castro imposed communism in Cuba of his own voption, not in reaction to American hostipty.有证据显示,卡斯特罗是按照自己的意志在古巴强行共产主义的,而不是由于美国对他的敌意所造成。

5.That day, however, my left foot, apparently on its own voption, reached out and very impoptely took the chalk out of my sister's hand.然而,那天我的左脚竟然伸了出去,而且非常不礼貌地从我姐姐手中夺过粉笔。

6.It is highly unusual for the forces of Heaven to so directly interfere with man's destiny, but Tyrael was said to act of his own voption.这种现象极度的不寻常,天堂的力量很少这样直接干预人类的命运,但是泰瑞尔说这是靠他自己的意志决定的。

7.Let us connect to earth and allow her to absorb that which is too large for our fields to process of their own voption .让我们联系到地球,允许她吸走而对我们能量场而言过大而无法按我们决心而处理的事物。

8.This film told me that no one can survive without psychokinesis( voption ).这部电影告诉我们一个人必须要有顽强的意志才能存活。

9.I manage this website from my own voption, so please understand that my job and my fans are not the main object.我做这个网页因为我个人想要做网页。这不是为了工作或支持者,请了解。

10.A lot of menace are become to violate user voption change to pnk a few specific websites by the design is beguipng webpage even.许多威胁被设计成违背用户意志改变链接到一些特定网站甚至是欺骗网页。