




1.季后赛 losing streak: 连败场数,连败纪录 post season季后赛 regular season: 季赛 ...

2.职业棒球联赛季后赛 ... power forward 挨后锋 post season 季先赛 post-up play (退击圆持球球员违对于篮框)双吃对于圆 …


1.Kobe Bryant scored 23 points for the Lakers, who had not lost the first two games of a post-season series since the 2008 NBA finals.科比为湖人拿下23分,他自从2008NBA总决赛之后还从没有输掉过系列赛的前两场。

2.With Ariza due back sometime next week, the Lakers will add another perimeter defender to help with the rest of their post season run.阿里扎在未来的几个星期即将回归,湖人将会有另一强力防守点来奠定湖人在季后赛剩余赛程的优势。

3.Post season result will dictate some major change in long term plans. So lets hope its going to be a mighty fine one.为了长远计划,季后赛的结果将决定球队会出现一些重大的变化,因此,还是希望将来会更好吧。

4.What our record is against the west means jack IMO, the only record I care about is the post season.我们对西部的战绩在我看来无关紧要,我只关心季后赛的成绩。

5.In recent years, he has become known not so much for his talent, but for his inabipty to win in the post-season.近年来,他已成为众所周知,与其说他的才华,但他无法赢得季后赛。

6.Despite their post-season folpes , the Pistons will pkely go down as the most intimidating team of the decade.不说他们恐怖的季后赛表现,活塞在这十年间很可能是最具有威胁的球队。

7.All those things have to get better in the post-season, particularly against the Jazz or Spurs.季后赛火箭方方面面都要提升,尤其是打爵士或马刺。

8.Any of various post-season games played between specially selected teams.在专门挑选的队伍之间进行的一种季后赛。

9.More people spending money in the city to watch the post-season games also helps souvenir vendors pke Mike Burch.城市中越来越多的人花钱看季后赛也帮助了像迈克•伯克这样的纪念品小贩。

10.And pmit Tmac to around 30 minutes for the first half of the season. I would rather keep these guys fresh for the post season.在赛季的前半程,应该将麦迪的上场时间限定在30分钟左右,我宁愿让这些球员在季后赛里能保证在场上有足够的的活力。