


美式发音: [ˈbiːˌtiːˈdʌb(ə)ljuː] 英式发音: 

abbr.(=by the way)顺便说一下;表示添加额外的信息

网络释义:顺便说一句(by the way);顺便提一下;顺便问一下



1.(书写形式)顺便提一句used in writing to meanby the way

abbr.1.(=by the way)顺便说一下;顺便问一下,用于电子邮件或文字信息中,表示添加额外的信息2.(=between)在...中间

abbr.1.(=by the way) used in emails and text messages for adding additional information2.(=between)

1.顺便说一句(by the way) BF 男朋友 BTW 顺便说一句 CM 臭美 ...

2.顺便提一下 BOT 机器人。 BTW Bye The Way, 顺便提一下。 cft Comfort, 安慰,舒适。(英文) ...

3.顺便说一下 BF Boyfriend 男朋友 BTW By the way 顺便说一下 BBL Be Back Later 准备离线时的用语 ...

4.顺便问一下 );TYVM( 太感谢你了。 );BTW( 顺便问一下。 );FM( 跟我来。 ...

5.顺便说下 尽快 ASAP as soon as possible 顺便说下 BTW 待决定 TBD To Be Determined ...

6.顺便一提 BRB be right back 马上回来 BTW by the way 顺便一提 BYO bring your own 自带、自备 ...


1.BTW - I'm not trying to attack or fight with you whatsoever, just stating what I think.顺便说一句,我不想与你争辩,仅仅只是表述我的看法。

2.BTW, Why did they draw your blood? That did not happen to me last time I had mastitis.我也奇怪干吗要抽血。大家得了乳腺炎的都没被抽过吗?

3.BTW, safe is a great feature, nice to be able to store passports, credit cards, etc.顺便说一句,安全是这儿突出的特色,让人能放心的存放护照、信用卡等等。

4.btw, my colleague later delete her pic with the nun, don't know why, she might have her reason anyway.后续,同事跑来说,要把和师傅的照片删掉,不知为何,总应有个缘由。

5.The operational context for the DK is a standard Bluetooth PC platform on which Broadcom's WIDCOMM BTW software has been installed.操作的骑士是一种标准的蓝牙PC平台上的WIDCOMM博已安装软件顺便。

6.It ended: BTW: the entire office here thinks your haircut is a bit youthful for you.邮件是这样结束的:顺便说一下,我们整个办公室的人都认为,对于你而言,这个发型有点年轻了。

7.BTW, thanks everyone for posting. . . such a interesting thread.顺便说一句,谢谢所有回帖的人,这个帖子非常有意思。

8.Bonzi played great btw. Definite sixth man of the Rockets.棒子打的非常的好,毫无疑问,他是火箭的第六人。

9.BTW, am I so much pke a idiot pupil? ? ? What's the problem within my old-fat-body? or my spirit?顺便说,我真的这么像个愣头青?我老肥老肥的身体或者我的“气”出了什么问题?

10.BTW, today is Sora Aoi's birthday, happy you know it.另外今天是空空生日你懂的。