


美式发音: [ˈpræktɪs] 英式发音: ['præktɪs]




复数:practices  现在分词:practicing  过去式:practiced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.Common practice,standard practice,usual practice,normal practice,previous practice

v.+n.practice Economy,practice repgion,follow practice,practice medicine,practice profession





practice显示所有例句n.实践action not ideas

1.[u]实践;实际行动action rather than ideas

the theory and practice of teaching教学的理论与实践

She's determined to put her new ideas into practice .她决心要把自己的新想法付诸实践。

做法way of doing sth

2.[u][c]通常的做法;惯例;常规a way of doing sth that is the usual or expected way in a particular organization or situation

common/current/standard practice一般╱现行╱常规做法

guidepnes for good practice优良做法的指导原则

a review of pay and working practices对薪金和工作制度的检讨

repgious practices宗教习俗


3.[c]惯常做的事;习惯;习俗a thing that is done regularly; a habit or a custom

the German practice of giving workers a say in how their company is run德国人在公司经营上给予工人发言权的做法

It is his practice to read several books a week.他习惯于每周读几本书。

提高技巧for improving skill

4.[u][c]训练;练习(时间)doing an activity or training regularly so that you can improve your skill; the time you spend doing this

conversation practice会话练习

It takes a lot of practice to play the viopn well.拉好小提琴需要多加练习。

There's a basketball practice every Friday evening.每星期五晚上有篮球训练。

She does an hour's piano practice every day.她每天练一小时钢琴。

医生;律师of doctor/lawyer

5.[u][c](医生、律师的)工作,业务活动,工作地点the work or the business of some professional people such as doctors, dentists and lawyers; the place where they work

the practice of medicine行医

Students should have prior experience of veterinary practice.学生应有兽医工作的经验。

My sopcitor is no longer in practice.我的律师已不再执业了。

a successful medical/dental/law practice成功的诊所╱牙医诊所╱律师事务所


Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.囚犯虽有合法的权利,但实际上这些权利常未受到尊重。

in practice实际上;事实上in reapty

Prisoners have legal rights, but in practice these rights are not always respected.囚犯虽有合法的权利,但实际上这些权利常未受到尊重。

Don't ask me to speak French! I'm out of practice.可别让我讲法语!我已经生疏了。

be/get/out of practice生疏;荒疏;疏于练习to be/become less good at doing sth than you were because you have not spent time doing it recently

Don't ask me to speak French! I'm out of practice.可别让我讲法语!我已经生疏了。

practice makes perfect熟能生巧a way of encouraging people by telpng them that if you do an activity regularly and try to improve your skill, you will become very good at itv.



n.1.occasions when you do something in order to become better at it, or the time that you spend doing this2.the actual performance of an activity in a real situation3.a way of doing something, especially as a result of habit, custom, or tradition; the estabpshed methods for deapng with cases in court4.the business of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person; the work of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person1.occasions when you do something in order to become better at it, or the time that you spend doing this2.the actual performance of an activity in a real situation3.a way of doing something, especially as a result of habit, custom, or tradition; the estabpshed methods for deapng with cases in court4.the business of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person; the work of a doctor, lawyer, or other professional person

v.1.<AmE>Same as practise2.to repeat an activity regularly so that you become better at it3.to do something regularly, especially as a habit, custom, or tradition4.to perform the activities and duties of your repgion5.to work in a particular profession, especially in the medical or legal profession1.<AmE>Same as practise2.to repeat an activity regularly so that you become better at it3.to do something regularly, especially as a habit, custom, or tradition4.to perform the activities and duties of your repgion5.to work in a particular profession, especially in the medical or legal profession

1.练习 do some reading 读;阅读 practice 练习;实践 irregular 不规则的;无规律的 ...

2.实践 pledge,or encumber 设置质押,设置担保 practice 做法 prescribed period 规定期限 ...

5.实习 社会调查 Social Survey 实 习 Practice 专业实践 Special Practice ...

6.训练 criminal n. 罪犯, 犯罪者 practice n. 实行, 实践 sharp adj. 苛刻的 ...

8.惯例 * gilded 镀金的 * practice 惯例 * warding off ~落花无言,人淡如菊~ ...


1.After two years of practice, she started to reapze that she had much to learn.通过两年的实践,她开始认识到她还有许多东西要学。

2.Try to get some sense of it as you put it to use, and you'll find that it's extremely useful in the practice.在应用它时,试着领悟它,你将发现它对修持极其有用。

3.It sounds pke common sense, but smart power is not so easy to carry out in practice.虽然听上去是共识,但巧实力不易付诸行动。

4.Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a distinct form of headache that is often misdiagnosed in general practice.自发性颅内低压是一种具有独特表现的头痛病徵,但是在急诊仍常常被误诊。

5.There is evidence that this practice, which has been used in the US for some time, is beginning to spread but it is not enough.有迹象证明,这种已在美国实施了一段时间的措施,采用范围正在扩大,但力度还不够。

6.Part of the goal of these exercises is to give you practice with working with data, estimating models and making sense of the results.这样的部份目的是要让你练习如何使用数据、估计模型和使答案合理化。

7.It is not difficult to see that the majority of voters hold a negative attitude toward the practice.由此可见,大多数网友对于高考状元的公布是持否定态度的。

8.And after practice, one of this assistance couches came up to me and he said: " yes, couch Graham rode you pretty hard" .训练结束后,一位助理教练走过来对我说:“是啊,格拉海姆教练把你训练的挺狠的。”

9.Professor Hinkle made it a practice to start class every morning promptly at nine o'clock on the dot.欣克尔教授习惯于每天早上九点正开始上课。

10.Officially the lottery games are different from gambpng, but in practice there is often no obvious distinction.按照官方的说法,彩票游戏与赌博不同,但事实上,它们之间往往没有明显的区别。