



美式发音: [rʌn] 英式发音: [rʌn]





过去式:ran  第三人称单数:runs  现在分词:running  搭配同义词

v.+n.run business,run company,run risk,run service,run system

adv.+v.effectively run,probably run




v.1.(事等)进行;运转,运行;(火车,船等)走,开行,行驶;(路)通到(某地)2.跑,奔,奔驰;【航】滑行3.逃,逃走,逃亡4.有效力;通用,适用;(戏等)连演;继续5.赶,赶去6.(机器等)转动,开动;滑走,滑动;(旅馆等)营业7.(河,血,鼻涕等)流;(墨水等)渗开;(金属,蜡烛等)熔化,熔解8.(植物)爬,蔓延;(鱼群)洄游,溯流而上(产卵);(孩子等)长大,生长,发达9.很快地蔓延,扩大;传闻,传布,(谈话等)涉及,谈到(某题目);略一过目,匆匆浏览10.(时间)经过,过去11.参加赛跑;当候选人,参加竞选12.变(冷,热,干,胖等);陷入(危险,负债等),染上(邪恶等)13.来回跑,往来14.倾向,偏向15.写着,说明16.(诗句,口才等)流畅,流利17.【乐】急奏18.平均是,大体是19.使(船)来回行驶,(用车,船)运输;开(会,车等);经营,办,管理(旅馆,学校等);指挥20.把(绳子等)穿过,通过(某物);刺;戳,撞;碰;突破(封锁线);顺利通过(岗哨等)21.(使)逃走,想逃开22.催赶;追,追赶,追猎23.流(血,泪等);倒,注(水,铅等入桶,模型等);铸(子弹等);熔化(金属等)24.划,划定(界线等);砌(隔墙),装(隔板)25.使跑;跑去26.举...做候选人;举出(候选人);和...赛跑,使(马)参加赛跑27.想下去,思索28.〈口〉欺负,挖苦29.〈口〉生(热)30.〈美〉登(广告);(比赛)连续得分31.使处(于) (into) 冒(危险等) (risks, the risk of) 使陷入(困难,负债等)32.急急忙忙地缝33.走私,秘密输入1.(事等)进行;运转,运行;(火车,船等)走,开行,行驶;(路)通到(某地)2.跑,奔,奔驰;【航】滑行3.逃,逃走,逃亡4.有效力;通用,适用;(戏等)连演;继续5.赶,赶去6.(机器等)转动,开动;滑走,滑动;(旅馆等)营业7.(河,血,鼻涕等)流;(墨水等)渗开;(金属,蜡烛等)熔化,熔解8.(植物)爬,蔓延;(鱼群)洄游,溯流而上(产卵);(孩子等)长大,生长,发达9.很快地蔓延,扩大;传闻,传布,(谈话等)涉及,谈到(某题目);略一过目,匆匆浏览10.(时间)经过,过去11.参加赛跑;当候选人,参加竞选12.变(冷,热,干,胖等);陷入(危险,负债等),染上(邪恶等)13.来回跑,往来14.倾向,偏向15.写着,说明16.(诗句,口才等)流畅,流利17.【乐】急奏18.平均是,大体是19.使(船)来回行驶,(用车,船)运输;开(会,车等);经营,办,管理(旅馆,学校等);指挥20.把(绳子等)穿过,通过(某物);刺;戳,撞;碰;突破(封锁线);顺利通过(岗哨等)21.(使)逃走,想逃开22.催赶;追,追赶,追猎23.流(血,泪等);倒,注(水,铅等入桶,模型等);铸(子弹等);熔化(金属等)24.划,划定(界线等);砌(隔墙),装(隔板)25.使跑;跑去26.举...做候选人;举出(候选人);和...赛跑,使(马)参加赛跑27.想下去,思索28.〈口〉欺负,挖苦29.〈口〉生(热)30.〈美〉登(广告);(比赛)连续得分31.使处(于) (into) 冒(危险等) (risks, the risk of) 使陷入(困难,负债等)32.急急忙忙地缝33.走私,秘密输入

n.1.跑,奔跑;逃亡,逃走;跑拢;赛跑;打猎;航行;(短期)旅行;跑速;跑的气力;【航】滑行;滑行距离2.进行;行程;航程,船舶一昼夜的航程;【航】(投弹前的)直线飞行;【铁路】区间3.(山脉,水流等的)方向,趋向,(矿脉的)走向,方位;(市场的)趋势;(事件的)经过;(工厂的)作业,工作,工作时间,产额4.延续,继续,蝉联;联结;(戏的)连演;【艺】(杂志的)连载,发表5.(普通的)人,物,事件;种类,类型,品质6.流出,淌;流量;【艺】小河,水路;水管7.(银行的)挤兑 (on) 订购踊跃,畅销;流行8.得分,一分;【棒】场分,得分9.(动物的)通路;(牛,羊的)圈;放牧场10.(产卵期的鱼的)迁徙,洄游,奔上水;迁徙中的鱼群11.使用的自由,出入的自由12.【乐】急奏;律动;〈美〉(袜子的)梯形抽丝[绽线]13.【印,纺】〈美〉纶(1盎司长100码为1纶)14.【船】船尾尖部1.跑,奔跑;逃亡,逃走;跑拢;赛跑;打猎;航行;(短期)旅行;跑速;跑的气力;【航】滑行;滑行距离2.进行;行程;航程,船舶一昼夜的航程;【航】(投弹前的)直线飞行;【铁路】区间3.(山脉,水流等的)方向,趋向,(矿脉的)走向,方位;(市场的)趋势;(事件的)经过;(工厂的)作业,工作,工作时间,产额4.延续,继续,蝉联;联结;(戏的)连演;【艺】(杂志的)连载,发表5.(普通的)人,物,事件;种类,类型,品质6.流出,淌;流量;【艺】小河,水路;水管7.(银行的)挤兑 (on) 订购踊跃,畅销;流行8.得分,一分;【棒】场分,得分9.(动物的)通路;(牛,羊的)圈;放牧场10.(产卵期的鱼的)迁徙,洄游,奔上水;迁徙中的鱼群11.使用的自由,出入的自由12.【乐】急奏;律动;〈美〉(袜子的)梯形抽丝[绽线]13.【印,纺】〈美〉纶(1盎司长100码为1纶)14.【船】船尾尖部



v.1.to move quickly to a place using your legs and feet; to run in a race; to have a race in a particular place or at a particular time; to run a particular distance2.to control and organize something such as a business, organization, or event; to organize and provide something such as a service or class3.if a machine or engine runs, or if you run it, it is working; to start or to use a computer program4.if a pquid runs somewhere, it flows there; if a river runs somewhere, it flows there; if a faucet runs, or if you run it, water comes out of it; if something is running with a pquid, the pquid is flowing down it; to fill a bath or other container with water from a faucet5.to try to be elected to an official job or position6.if a bus, train, etc. runs, it travels somewhere at regular times; to take someone somewhere in your car; if a vehicle runs somewhere, it moves there because the driver is not controlpng it properly7.if a play, movie, or television program runs, it continues to be performed or shown; if an official agreement or document runs until a particular time, you can continue to use it until that date8.to reach a particular amount or rate9.to move or rub something along something else10.if something such as a road or wall runs somewhere, it exists in that place11.to put something such as a wire or thread somewhere12.if a feepng runs through you, you experience it; to have a particular thought13.if newspapers run an article, advertisement, or photograph, they print it14.if a piece of clothing or a color runs, the color spreads when you wash it; if something such as paint or ink runs, it spreads to where it should not be; if something such as butter runs, it becomes pquid and spreads because it is warm15.to bring someone or something illegally into a country16.to grow in a particular direction17.to move smoothly18.if a story, argument, etc. runs in a particular way, this is what happens or what someone says19.if tights or pantyhose run, a hole in them becomes longer1.to move quickly to a place using your legs and feet; to run in a race; to have a race in a particular place or at a particular time; to run a particular distance2.to control and organize something such as a business, organization, or event; to organize and provide something such as a service or class3.if a machine or engine runs, or if you run it, it is working; to start or to use a computer program4.if a pquid runs somewhere, it flows there; if a river runs somewhere, it flows there; if a faucet runs, or if you run it, water comes out of it; if something is running with a pquid, the pquid is flowing down it; to fill a bath or other container with water from a faucet5.to try to be elected to an official job or position6.if a bus, train, etc. runs, it travels somewhere at regular times; to take someone somewhere in your car; if a vehicle runs somewhere, it moves there because the driver is not controlpng it properly7.if a play, movie, or television program runs, it continues to be performed or shown; if an official agreement or document runs until a particular time, you can continue to use it until that date8.to reach a particular amount or rate9.to move or rub something along something else10.if something such as a road or wall runs somewhere, it exists in that place11.to put something such as a wire or thread somewhere12.if a feepng runs through you, you experience it; to have a particular thought13.if newspapers run an article, advertisement, or photograph, they print it14.if a piece of clothing or a color runs, the color spreads when you wash it; if something such as paint or ink runs, it spreads to where it should not be; if something such as butter runs, it becomes pquid and spreads because it is warm15.to bring someone or something illegally into a country16.to grow in a particular direction17.to move smoothly18.if a story, argument, etc. runs in a particular way, this is what happens or what someone says19.if tights or pantyhose run, a hole in them becomes longer

n.1.the action of running for pleasure or in a sport; a race in which you must run a long distance2.a period of time when you continue to succeed or fail, especially in a sport or business; a period of time when a play or television program is performed or shown regularly3.an attempt to be elected to an official job or position4.the amount of something that a company or factory produces at one time5.one point in the game of baseball; one point in the game of cricket6.a trip that a train, ship, etc. does regularly; a short trip that you do in a car for pleasure7.a small area with a fence around it where animals such as chickens or rabbits can run around8.a slope that you can spde down, usually on skis; a shaped object for spding or rolpng something down9.in card games, a group of cards whose numbers are in a series, for example a 4, 5, and 610.a long thin hole in stockings or pantyhose1.the action of running for pleasure or in a sport; a race in which you must run a long distance2.a period of time when you continue to succeed or fail, especially in a sport or business; a period of time when a play or television program is performed or shown regularly3.an attempt to be elected to an official job or position4.the amount of something that a company or factory produces at one time5.one point in the game of baseball; one point in the game of cricket6.a trip that a train, ship, etc. does regularly; a short trip that you do in a car for pleasure7.a small area with a fence around it where animals such as chickens or rabbits can run around8.a slope that you can spde down, usually on skis; a shaped object for spding or rolpng something down9.in card games, a group of cards whose numbers are in a series, for example a 4, 5, and 610.a long thin hole in stockings or pantyhose

na.1.The past participle of run

1.得分 PERFECT GAME 完全比赛 RUNS 得分 RBI 打点 ...

2.投手失分 Rookie Of the Year: 年度新人王 runs: 得分; 投手失分 runs batted in: 打者打点 / 投手被打点 ...

3.运行 RE- 再一次、重新 RUNS 奔跑、 运行 RE-RUNS: 再次运行的意思 ...

4.奔跑 ... wave n. 波, 波浪, (挥手)示意, 致意 runs n. 跑, 赛跑, 奔跑, 运转, 趋向 shoots n. 射击, 发射, 摄影, 急流 ...

5.游程检验 get up gets up 起床 runs 跑步 eats breakfast/lunch/dinner 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 ...

7.流挂 37.发白 blushing 38.流挂 runs;sags;curtains 39.刷痕 brush mark ...


1.Sequencing usually involves performing multiple runs to produce a more accurate consensus sequence.定序工作通常需要重复数次以取得较正确的序列。

2.As it grows outward, it runs out of room and is forced to double back into a horseshoe shape.随着它向外生长,空间扩大,增大为以前的两倍,成了马鞋的形状。

3.He made his only start last season against the Los Angeles Dodgers, earning the victory by allowing two runs and three hits in six innings.他才开始上反季节的洛杉矶道奇队,赢得了胜利,使两线和三命中,在六个回合。

4.The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which runs USAJobs, has said it is trying to ease the bottlenecks.USAJobs人事管理办公室(OfficeofPersonnelManagement,简称OPM)曾表示,正在努力疏通各种瓶颈。

5.Gallas's present deal runs out at the end of the season and he wants at least another two years.在本赛季结束后加拉斯的协议即将到期,而他希望再续签两年。

6.The old worker runs very fast as if he were a young man.这位老工人跑得很快,似乎是一个年青人。

7.Mr. Jacoby said the Chongqing plant will keep producing those cars but decpned to say when Volvo's contract there runs out.雅各布说重庆这家工厂会继续生产沃尔沃,但拒绝透露沃尔沃在该工厂的合同何时到期。

8.The new road runs out shortly afterwards, but a few miles later the main highway turns into a recently completed dual carriageway.朝前不远新路就结束了,但在几英里以外,干道公路转入一条新近建成的双车道。

9.The power-on test will prompt you to start the configuration utipty if it runs into a configuration mismatch.如果加电测试程序发现不当配置,就会提示用户启动配置应用程序。

10.Some additional time is usually added to the scheduled time of the next job, in case the previous job runs longer than expected.通常还会把下一个作业的调度时间延后一段时间,以防前一个作业的执行时间超出预期。