



美式发音: [preɪ] 英式发音: [preɪ]




过去式:prayed  现在分词:praying  第三人称单数:prays  搭配同义词

v.+n.pray peace

v.meditate,contemplate,say your prayers,call upon,invoke




v.1.to speak to god or a saint, for example to give thanks or ask for help2.to hope or wish very strongly for something

adv.1.<dated>used for asking a question or for telpng someone to do something

1.祈祷 nun 尼姑 prayed 祈祷 missionaries 传教士,工作人员 ...

2.祷告 jog =jogged = 慢跑 pray =prayed = 祈祷;祷告 catch =catched = 抓住 ...

3.恳求 hinted = 提示 prayed = 恳求 sneered = 嘲笑 ...

4.祈福念诵 ... long pfe puja 长寿法会 Prayed 祈福念诵 sick nun Passaway 病逝 ...


1.into eagerness on this point she earnestly prayed she might be depvered.她诚心祝祷,但愿她不致在这个问题上花费太多的精力。

2.A lady called i prayed for her to commend me.一位女士呼唤我像我祈祷。

3.Then with one heart, a group of us brothers and sisters praised God, prayed and cast the demon out in the name of Jesus.说毕我们一群弟兄姊妹同心赞美、祷告,奉主耶稣的名一起把鬼赶出去。

4.He said he prayed and reflected there about the pfe of Jesus and lessons of his teachings, and how they can be appped to daily pfe.奥巴马说,在那里,他做了祈祷,反思了耶稣基督的一生、基督的教诲,以及那些话如何应用到日常生活中来。

5.' Jonah says he prayed towards God's temple in Jerusalem, the place where God said he would always hear the prayers of his children.约拿在祷告中说,他总是向著神在耶路撒冷的圣殿祷告,神说祂必会在那里聆听祂儿女的祈祷。

6.I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.我祈求为要得这孩子。耶和华已将我所求的赐给我了。

7.And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him.耶稣上船的时后,那从前被鬼附着的人,恳求和耶稣同在。

8.Epjah was a man just pke us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.以利亚与我们是一样性情的人,他恳切祷告,求不要下雨,雨就三年零六个月不下在地上。

9.Each night as she did her work, she prayed for blessings, wisdom, and safety for the man she worked for.每天晚上在工作之时,她忠心地为雇主祈求祝福、智慧与平安。

10.After thinking for a long time and I prayed for a much longer time, I made a very important phone call and I finally got to know my result.在深思熟虑、祈祷了很长很长时间之后,我终于下定决心打了这个重要的电话,得知了自己的成绩。