

put out

美式发音: [pʊtaʊt] 英式发音: 




v.pght,keep secret,please

v.extinguish,douse,snuff out,stifle,snuff




adj.1.annoyed, offended, or upset by something that someone has said or done

1.扑灭 look out 当心,提防 put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出 ...

2.熄灭 put on 穿上;上演;教唆 put out 熄灭;关(灯);出版 put through 使穿过;使从事 ...

3.伸出 5. put out 熄灭,扑灭,使...停止燃烧 6. put out 伸出,拿出 7. put up 挂起,张贴 ...

4.熄灭,关 put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重) put out 熄灭,关(灯);出版,发布;生产;伸出 put to use 使用 ...

5.关熄 put on weight 发福,增加体重 put out 扑灭,关熄 put up 挂起,举起, 贴(广告等) ...

6.放出 take out 拿出 put out 放出,伸出 come out 长出, ...

7.熄灭,消灭,关 put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重) put out 熄灭,消灭,关(灯);出版,发布;生产 put up with 容忍,忍受 ...


1.The Palace had, of course, put out a statement, but there was no intention for the Queen to speak.王室当然已经发布了声明,可是,女王并不打算发表讲话。

2.The fire cannot be put out without the help of the local fire brigade, and a partial or complete evacuation is needed.当酒店预料无法控制火势时,需要求助于消防队,并作部分疏散或全部疏散。

3.The big controversy then was that the government had spent $675m on summit "security" (yet they still couldn't seem to put out those fires).之后关于此事件最大的争议是政府为峰会“安保”(虽然叫安保,他们却不能把火给灭了)投入了6.75亿美元。

4.we urge you to tell the national bank not to put out the notes with a mistake in the kazakh language .我们请求您,禁止国家银行将带有哈萨克语拼写错误的纸币投入使用。

5.The long, long fire hose pke a snake filled with water, was ready to put out the fire.长长的消防水龙带像一条蛇,里面充满了水,准备将火扑灭。

6.But some time later it began to rein. The days felt tired so they put out the fire and went into their tene.但是在晚些时候,天下起了雨,孩子们感到有些疲倦,于是他们熄灭了篝火并钻进了帐篷。

7.Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in deep darkness.咒骂父母的,他的灯必灭,变为漆黑的黑暗。

8.The monsters had spt the udder of the finest milch cow, so that she had to be put out of her misery immediately.魔鬼们把最好的奶牛的乳房割下来,这样它就可以马上解脱。

9.When she stood up to leave, Copn suddenly put out a hand to her.她站起身临走的时候,柯林向她伸出一只手。

10.She did indeed teach us to put out a newspaper, skills I honed during my next 25 years as a journapst.她确确实实地教导我们如何出版报纸,所学的技能让我在接下来的25年记者生涯中仍然持续钻研。