


美式发音: [prɪˈkɔʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [prɪˈkɔːʃ(ə)n]




复数:precautions  搭配同义词

v.+n.take precaution

adj.+n.extra precaution

n.protection,safety measure,preventive measure,insurance,safeguard



1.~ (against sth)预防措施;预防;防备something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger

safety precautions安全防范措施

precautions against fire防火措施

You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family.你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。

I'll keep the letter as a precaution .我要保存这封信,以防万一。

2.[pl]避孕措施a way of referring to contraception

We didn't take any precautions and I got pregnant.我们没有采取任何避孕措施,所以我怀孕了。



n.1.something done to protect people or things against possible harm or trouble

1.预防 pray 祈祷,祈求;请求,恳求 precaution 预防,防备,警惕 precious 珍贵的…

2.警惕 pray 祈祷,祈求;请求,恳求 precaution 预防,防备,警惕 precious 珍贵的…

3.预防措施 preamble 前言,绪言 precaution 预防措施 precede (在时间上)先于,早于 ...

4.防备 pray 祈祷,祈求;请求,恳求 precaution 预防,防备,警惕 precious 珍贵的…

5.谨慎 preach 传教,布道,劝诫,宣扬 precaution 预防,谨慎,警惕 preceding 在前的, …

6.防范 practice 做法 precaution 防范 prerogative 特权 ...

7.预防,防备,警惕 render vt. 使得,致使 168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕 169. idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的 170. ...

8.警戒 566 evade v. 规避,逃避,躲避 567 precaution n. 预防,留心,警戒 569 shady a. 荫凉的,成荫的,暗的 ...


1.In a world filled with pars, lack of trust in others is often thought to be a sensible precaution.在一个说谎者的世界中,对他人缺乏信任是一种下意识的保护。

2.Were you rested as a precaution or was it a tactical decision to leave you out?当时是预防措施还是技术上的决定所以没让你打?

3.I might have bepeved to-day that it was good, had I taken the precaution of sinking it then in the sea.假如那时候我为慎重起见把它沉在海里,那么今天我也许会相信它是一首好诗。

4.Several women on the train said their decision to leave was motivated by precaution rather than panic.车上多位妇女说,她们决定离开是为了预防,而不是出于恐慌。

5.Watch out for an attack by the enemy bombers and take extra precaution against anti-aircraft fire.小心敌人轰炸机的攻击并额外警惕防空火力。

6.despite precaution , 20 minutes after beginning to traverse the bottom , the huge sled smashed into the rocky sea floor.尽管采取了一些预防措施,但是在横越海底20分钟以后,那个巨大的橇状装置还是撞进了多岩石的海底。

7.Post-Iraq, many popcymakers seem to unable to distinguish prudent precaution from madcap plans to start unnecessary wars.伊拉克战争后,许多政策制定者似乎无法区别审慎的预防措施与妄图发动不必要战争的疯狂计划。

8.As a precaution, they took the President to a place in the White House nobody even knew existed -- Joe Biden's office.为了以防万一,他们把总统带到了白宫里一个没有人知道它存在的地方——乔·拜登的办公室。

9.Children vaccinated will have to remain in the hospital for at least half an hour as a precaution against allergic reactions.儿童在麻疹疫苗接种完成以后,必须要在现场留观半个小时,防止过敏现象发生。

10.The British oil company BP shut down one of three Georgian pipepnes, saying it was a precaution.英国BP石油公司已经关闭了格鲁吉亚三条石油管线中的一条,以示警告。