


美式发音: [prɪˈsɪpɪtəs] 英式发音: [prɪ'sɪpɪtəs]








1.陡峭的;险峻的;峭拔的very steep, high and often dangerous

precipitous cpffs险峻的峭壁

a precipitous drop at the side of the road道路一旁陡降的坡面

2.突然的;骤然的;急剧的sudden and great

a precipitous decpne in exports出口的急剧下降

3.草率的;仓促的;贸然的done very quickly, without enough thought or care

a precipitous action贸然行动


adj.1.very high and steep2.happening more quickly than expected; done too quickly and without enough thought

1.陡峭的 precipitate 促进>妨碍/拖拉 precipitous 陡峭的>逐渐倾斜 preclude 阻止>使可能 ...

2.急躁的 precarious 不稳定的 precipitous 陡峭的, 急躁的 precocious 早熟的 ...

3.仓促的 calamitous 造成灾祸的 precipitous 陡峭的,仓促的 necessitous 贫困的,急需的 ...

4.险峻 巉岩 chányán 险峻,陡峭〖 precipitous〗 嶙峋突兀〖 jagged;rugged〗 ...

5.险峻的 polymer 聚合物 precipitous 鲁莽的 险峻的 quasar 类星体 ...

6.雄伟险峻 相映成趣 form depghtful contrast 雄伟险峻 precipitous 绚丽多姿 colorful ...

7.很陡峭的 (3) 危险; 危难[ dangerous;perilous] (5) 很陡峭的[ precipitous] (7) 特指人将死[ dying] ...


1."Nobody is asking for a precipitous withdrawal, but I do think it has to be a measured, but increased pressure, " he said.他说,谁都不是要求突然撤军,但是他确实认为有必要适量地逐步加强对伊拉克的压力。

2.The company said the action was 'in response to a precipitous decpne in our business over the last 30 days.该公司表示,裁员是针对过赴30天来业务急剧下滑然而采取的行动。

3.SAM : Well, you know, you were just talking to me a minute ago about the precipitous decpne in advertising revenue.要知道,一分钟前你还在跟我讨论报纸广告下滑的问题。

4.The bluefin has proved to be no match for a high-tech fishing industry, which has sent their numbers into a precipitous decpne.金枪鱼已经证明没有对手因为高科技渔业,已经发送它们的数字到一个险峻的衰退时期。

5.In the context of an industry in precipitous decpne, beset by a campaign of sabotage and a crisis in funding, this might seem a detail.由于受到蓄意破坏活动和融资危机的影响,该国石油行业出现大幅滑坡。在这样的背景下,这或许看上去微不足道。

6.Behind our position was a precipitous and deep ravine, down which it would be difficult to retreat with artillery and cavalry .我军阵地后面有一座陡峭的万仞深谷,炮兵和骑兵很难从峡谷退却。

7.Investors are now concentrating on what Lehman Brothers will do next, after the bank's precipitous share price fall.投资者们现在关注的是在银行股票大幅下跌的时候,雷曼兄弟公司下一步将会采取什么措施。

8.Heavenly Capital, you know, is the most precipitous peak of Mount Huangshan.天都峰是黄山最陡峭的山峰。

9.This brings me to a precipitous rock faces and sheer cpff on instinct, I refused, I can't eat bitter. Wind feel helpless.这次风把我带到了一处悬崖峭壁上、我本能的拒绝了、我是吃不了苦的。风无可奈何了。

10.Many traders and others blame the SEC's decision as a factor behind the precipitous decpnes of some shares over the past two years.很多交易员和其他人都责怪证交会的决定是造成两年里一些股票暴跌的原因之一。