


美式发音: [ˈpredətər] 英式发音: [ˈpredətə(r)]



复数:predators  同义词




1.捕食者;捕食性动物an animal that kills and eats other animals

Some animals have no natural predators.有些动物没有天敌。

2.弱肉强食的人(或机构);剥削者;掠夺者a person or an organization that uses weaker people for their own advantage

to protect domestic industry from foreign predators保护本国工业不受外来剥削


n.1.an animal that kills and eats other animals2.a company that tries to take control of other companies

1.铁血战士 depredation 掠夺 depredate v. predator 食肉动物 depreciation 贬值,降价 ...

5.掠食者 (reindeer 驯鹿) 17. (predator 肉食动物) 18. (rejected 拒绝) 19. ...

8.终极战士终极战士PREDATOR):身高231公分、体重200公斤。致命武器为追踪红外线热仪、迷学光彩隐形、链锯手刀、迫光肩炮、 …


1.His mother senses a nearby predator. But it's not the dingo. Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above.它的妈妈感觉到附近有捕食者。但不是野狗。它的注意力集中在头顶盘旋的楔尾鹰。

2.IN THIS ARTICLE: In Colorado, scientists are trying to return another predator to its former hunting grounds.本文简介:在科罗拉多州,科学家们正力图使另一种食肉动物回归到原先的栖息地。

3.A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact.五角大楼近期宣布,正投入两架武装雄蜂“捕食者”战斗机到这场争端之中,这也许已对反叛分子带来了心理冲击。

4.He is now making a robot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders.现在,博士正在做一个机器捕食者,看看鱼群对这些凶恶入侵者将会会做出如何反映。

5.The predator moving into the glade, is splashed by hard slashes of sunpght, which combine with its cammo pattern making it hard to see.捕猎者进入林间空地,强烈的阳光斜斜地洒向它阳光与它的保护图案结合起来使它很难被看见。

6.With a head the size of a refrigerator and teeth as big as bananas, it was an immensely powerful predator.冰箱大小的头部和香蕉一般的牙齿使它成为超级强大的肉食动物。

7.And I've done calculations that show that this could be see from as much as 300 feet away by a predator.我曾经计算过,300英尺以外的捕食者也能看到这些光。

8.Spanning the length of two football fields, the footprints hint that a giant predator was a bit pigeon-toed.该组脚印跨越的长度达两个足球场,并暗示这是个巨型食肉动物,有点内八字。

9.Before the convoy had traveled two miles, NATO officials said, it was set upon by an American Predator drone and a French warplane.在这一车队还没来得及走上两英里之前,据北约军官说,它便遭到一架美国“掠夺者”无人战斗机和一架法国战机的袭击。

10.Mr Nachoum photographed this 14ft-long predator from just a few feet away in the waters off the coastal Mexican resort of Guadalupe.纳科姆在墨西哥度假胜地瓜达卢佩海岸的外面拍下这条14尺长的食肉动物,当时离它只有几英尺的距离。