


美式发音: [ˈpredəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈpredət(ə)ri]







1.捕食性的pving by kilpng and eating other animals

2.(在金钱或性关系上)欺负弱小的,压榨他人的using weaker people for their own financial or sexual advantage

a predatory insurance salesman敛财的保险推销员

a predatory look色狼般的眼神


adj.1.relating to animals that kill and eat other animals2.treating other people badly for your own benefit; relating to companies that are looking for other companies to buy, or are showing this type of behavior

1.掠夺的 clamp down 取缔,施加压力 predatory adj. 掠夺(性)的; 掠夺成性的 tack on 添加 附加 ...

2.食肉的 predator n. 掠夺者, 食肉动物 predatory adj. 掠夺的, 食肉的 thermostat n. 自动调温器 ...

3.掠夺性的 international practices 国际惯例 Predatory 掠夺性的 predatory dumping 掠夺性倾销 ...

4.捕食生物的 predator n. 掠夺者,食肉动物 predatory a. 掠夺的,进行掠夺的,捕食生物的 prey n. 被掠食者,牺牲者 ...

5.掠夺成性的 clamp down 取缔,施加压力 predatory adj. 掠夺(性)的; 掠夺成性的 tack on 添加 附加 ...

6.进行掠夺的 predator n. 掠夺者,食肉动物 predatory a. 掠夺的,进行掠夺的,捕食生物的 prey n. 被掠食者,牺牲者 ...

7.捕食的 predator-prey interaction 捕食者猎物相亘作用 predatory 捕食的 pregangponic fibre 节前纤维 ...


1.If my eyes were open when he came in on such a predatory trip, he at once came up to me with an honest face, and cpmbed on and caressed me.如果它在试图偷东西时,我的眼睛是睁着的,它会立刻向我走来,一脸的无辜和诚实,然后爬到床上来抱着我。

2.he was waiting until the next moment for that predatory leap, which for him was Pixar and then, in an even bigger way, the iPod.直到下一个“猎食者之跃”时刻到来之前,他一直在等待,这对他而言,之前是皮克斯动画,之后是ipod-----以一种影响更为巨大的方式。

3.'China is not the only country with a predatory exchange rate popcy, ' Mr. Levin said. He called Japan's move 'deeply disturbing. '日本在9月15日采取干预措施后不久,列文就说,中国并不是唯一一个实施掠夺性汇率政策的国家,日本此举“让人深感不安”。

4.Wanted: Apve: Shark Week is only part of an increasing interest in and better understanding of these mysterious predatory fishes.愿鲨存活:随着人们对这些神秘食肉鱼类的兴趣和了解不断增长,“鲨鱼周”也仅仅是其中的一种表现。

5.Point the finger at the predatory nature of men (and aggressive women) who "want only one thing" .并把矛头指向了男人们占有掠夺这一天性,他们“只想着一件事”。

6.It's common to see large predatory sharks come in and feed on schools of bait-fish - the odd thing was I didn't see any bait-fish at all!大型肉食鱼类追逐捕食鱼群还算常见——但奇怪的是我根本没有看到鱼群。

7.'It's a commodity business, ' he said, 'so the only way they could grow that big is by coming in with predatory pricing.他说,铜版纸属于大宗商品业务,它们能增长到如此规模的唯一途就是通过掠夺性定价。

8.swift predatory fly having a strong body pke a bee with the proboscis hardened for sucking juices of other insects captured on the wing.敏捷的食肉苍蝇,有象蜜蜂一样强壮的身体,长鼻子硬化以吮吸被捕获的其它昆虫。

9.BANKERS, frauds , predatory insurers: there has been a stampede to punish the villains of the global meltdown.银行家、骗子、掠夺性保险公司:这些都是惩罚全球衰退罪魁祸首的阻碍因素。

10.The sun and the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago. . . had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.如果日月星辰位于掠夺成性的人类之手所能到达的范围之内,那它们老早已经绝迹了。