


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkˌrum] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kˌruːm]



复数:workrooms  同义词




1.工作室;工场间;作坊a room in which work is done, especially work that involves making things

The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop.珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。


n.1.a room used for work that involves making or repairing things

1.工作室 workplace 工作场所;车间 workroom 工作室 wormwood 苦艾,苦恼 ...

2.工作间必须的。也就是要对工作间(Workroom)及其内部生产、测试使用的工作面(Worksurface)加以要求,并对工作间内各种设备、装 …

3.工场间 workplace 工作面 workroom 工场间;工作室 works 工场 ...

4.车间 washingroom 盥洗室 workroom 车间 roommate 室友 ...

5.连锁机构 NEWS 新闻动态 WORKROOM 连锁机构 PRICE 价格 ...

6.工作空间2013年4月号,包括各工作组/委员会的网络工作空间(Workroom)链接——通常有丰富的资料,以及刚完成或正在制订的标准或 …

7.工坊物流中心新增「工坊(Workroom)」房间,可用於拆解物品(Disassemble)与兑换古董(Exchange),每拆解一项物品必须花费 20 …


1.Because of this I have not been going to the museum and because of that they have come to see your workroom.因为这个原因我没有去博物馆,而他们因为那个原因才去你的工作室。

2.His pving room is pke an exhibition hall of carved roots and the balcony serves as his workroom; even his footstools are made of roots.史天柱家的客厅像是一个根艺的陈列馆,阳台是他的操作间,连坐的小凳子都是用树根做成的。

3.It began to be said in an undertone, in the women's workroom, that Fantine "wrote letters" and that "she had ways about her. "在女车间里,大家开始叽叽喳喳谈论起来了,说芳汀“天天寄信”,说她有一些“怪举动”。

4."It's dead, Clock, " Moth told him when he at last emerged from his workroom.“它死了,时钟,”莫丝对他说,他终于从他的工作室里冒出来了。

5.Eg. I couldn't imagine her having the kind of hole and corner affair that had to be conducted in a dusty workroom.我真难想像她会干出那种只有在满是灰尘的工作室才做得出的偷偷摸摸的事。

6.My duties were to arrange the goods, keep them clean, help out in the workroom and, above all, run errands.我的责任是整理商品,保持商品的清洁,在工作室给人做个帮手,而最重要的是在外面跑腿。

7.So he's driven you out of your workroom and you came for your morning swim instead.所以他把你赶出了你自己的工作间,然后你就来做晨泳了。

8.His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus.他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。

9.After the doctor had gone Sue went into the workroom and cried a Japanese napkin to a pulp.大夫走后,休走入工作试冬哭了,眼泪把一张日式餐巾纸弄得一团湿。

10.I usually have a rest after two or three hours, but I don't leave the workroom.我在两三个小时后休息一下,但我不离开工作室。