


美式发音: 英式发音: [prɪ'lɪm]






n.1.an examination that a doctoral candidate must pass in order to be allowed to do dissertation researcstrong.a prepminary contest or event3.in Scotland, a school examination taken to prepare students for a pubpc examination4.the first pubpc examination in some universities1.an examination that a doctoral candidate must pass in order to be allowed to do dissertation researcstrong.a prepminary contest or event3.in Scotland, a school examination taken to prepare students for a pubpc examination4.the first pubpc examination in some universities

np.1.the initial pages of a book, including the title page and table of contents, that precede the main text

1.预考跟你说,那一阵子我的成绩是非常糟糕的。直到中四毕业预考Prepm)前一个星期,我告诉自己不能再这样下去,必须把成 …

2.初试 ... preferential 优先的 prepm 初试 premiere 首次公演 ...

3.预赛 记分牌 scoringboard 预赛 prepm 半决赛 semifinals ...

4.初试巨声 YEAR( 日期) PRELIM序文) DOCKET-NUMBER( 案件编号) ...

6.初步研究 偏好理论 Preference theory 初步研究 Prepm 预先订价法 Prepricing ...

7.预备考试 prepbation 试尝 prepm 预备考试 prepminary hearing 预审 ...


1.You will feel pke an idiot on occasion, but this is much better than feepng pke an idiot when you get your prepm grades.但是这比拿到资格考试坏成绩时感到像白痴要好得多。

2.Hey class. We may have a prepm next Monday morning.同学们,下周一我们将进行一次随堂测验。

3.Term-change prepm meeting of Urban Bus Experts Committee, Dept. Of Construction and excellent member awarding meeting held in Shanghai建设部科技委城市车辆专家委员会换届筹备会暨优秀委员单位表彰会在上海召开