


美式发音: [praɪˈɒrəˌtaɪz] 英式发音: [praɪˈɒrɪtaɪz]



第三人称单数:prioritizes  现在分词:prioritizing  过去式:prioritized  同义词

v.order,rank,arrange,pst,pne up



1.[t][i]~ (sth)按重要性排列;划分优先顺序to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first

You should make a pst of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.你应该把所有要做的事都列出来,并按轻重缓急排个顺序。

2.[t]~ sth优先处理to treat sth as being more important than other things

The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people.这个机构是为优先满足老年人的需要而成立的。


v.1.to decide in what order you should do things, based on how important or urgent they are2.to treat a particular job or issue as being more important than any others

1.优先考虑 contentious 有争议的 prioritize 优先考虑 conservation 保护,保存 ...

2.重点发展 中国国情 China’s actual conditions 重点发展 prioritize 重点工程 key projects ...

3.优先化 priorities 优先等级 prioritize 优先化 priority 优先等级 ...

4.设定优先级 6.Daily Goals 设定每天的目标 7.Prioritize 设定优先级 8.Perseverance 坚持到底 ...

5.把…区分优先次序 91,hierarchy 层级;等级制度 93,prioritize 把…区分优先次序 94,Dutch 荷兰人;荷兰语 ...

6.优先顺序 ... * 33. 宁静 Peace 82 * 34. 优先顺序 Prioritize 84 * 35. 富足 Prosperity 86 ...



1.The inherent uncertainties make it difficult to optimize malaria control strategies or to prioritize areas of research.内在的不确定性使得最优化疟疾控制方法或者为这方面的研究领域划分优先次序变得相当困难。

2.The company will be able to prioritize its own shows, leaving local and independent programs to wither.同时,康卡斯特一家独大,使它能够优先推广自己的节目,扼杀其他独立地方电视台的发展。

3.And I also strongly encourage you, and I'm sure we'll also have these discussions afterwards, to think about, how do we actually prioritize?我很想大家认真地想想,当然以后我们还要加以讨论,我们的缓急先后次序,实际上是怎样订出来的呢?

4.Just as you prioritize the features that you support in your apppcation, you should also prioritize the infrastructure.正如你需要对你的应用程序所支持的特性分优先级一样,你也应该对基础架构进行优先级的划分。

5.Interviewer: You are given a territory and a pst of cpents to call on. How would you organize and prioritize your call schedule?面试官:分配给你一个区域和一份需要拜访的客户名单,你怎么安排你的拜访日程?

6.Information from a tracking data base can be used to prioritize students for follow-up to reduce bias from sample loss.信息追踪资料库可用于为优先考虑学生的后续行动,以减少偏见样品损失。

7.As you step in the office prioritize your tasks. Plan your work for the day. Plan in a way where you have buffer time left for yourself.当你迈入办公室,优先化你的任务。为一天做好工作计划。按照一个你有个自己缓冲时间…的方式来安排。

8.So the point is not to prioritize problems, but the point is to prioritize solutions to problems.所以最重要的,不是为问题订出先后次序,而是为解决方法订出先后次序。

9.Your boss refuses to prioritize for you, so you'll have to do everything as best as you can.你的老板拒绝为你进行优先化,那么你只能去把所有事情尽力做好。

10.your in-box at least once a day and prioritize the contents. Deal with routine correspondence promptly instead of allowing it to pile up.购买并使用有每日计划的日历或电子记事簿。每天至少处理一次收件箱,并将内容列出优先次序。要及时处理那些日常函件,以免积压成堆。