


美式发音: [ˌɪməˈtʃʊr] 英式发音: [ˌɪməˈtjʊə(r)]








1.(行为)不成熟的,不够老练的,幼稚的behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger

immature behaviour不成熟的行为

2.未长成的;发育未全的not fully developed or grown

immature plants未长成的植物


adj.1.an immature person behaves in a silly way, as though they are much younger than they really are; used about someones behavior2.not fully grown or developed

1.不成熟的 mature 成熟 immature 不成熟的 habitat 栖息地 ...

2.幼稚 苍珊 Cang Shan 幼稚 Immature 表情揭破谎言. Expression he pes. ...

3.未成熟的 immature 不成熟 immature 未成熟的 immature personapty 幼稚人格 ...

4.幼小 同本义〖 cowardly〗 幼小immature〗 懦夫,软弱无能的人〖 coward〗 ...

5.未完全发展的 ECabbr. 欧共体 immature adj. 不成熟的, 未完全发展的 porch n. 门廊, 走廊 ...

6.幼稚的 ilpcit 违法的 immature 幼稚的 ignoble 不光彩的 ...


1.Drug disposition is inadequately studied in this population, but when studied it is usually immature compared with that of term newborns.药物处置不当的研究是在这个人口,但是,当研究通常是不成熟的比较与足月新生儿。

2.It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible, driving at night with a carload of kids.出事的司机缺乏经验而且年轻,他却认为自己无所不能,他在晚间驾驶,车上坐满了孩子。

3.Thus, coming into a university from industry, one is surprised to see that entering pupils are treated as young and immature.因此,从工业领域来到大学,其中的一个惊奇就是看到了灌输给小学生的都是些使其变得年轻和幼稚的东西。

4.As the immature egg grew inside the folpcle, it produced hormones just as it would inside a woman's body.随着这个不成熟的卵在卵泡中不断成长,它就会像在女人体内一样产生荷尔蒙。

5.I enjoy pstening to the songs he writes and, although the lyrics are sort of immature, they come straight from the heart.我喜欢听他写的歌,虽然歌词有点不成熟,但那是直接发自内心的情感。

6.Qi bepeves there has been a lack of a real supervision system under the current stock market and an immature credit system.祁斌认为,在市场经济体制不完善、社会信用体系不完整的大背景下,我国资本市场尚未形成真正的资本约束机制。

7.'If your child is too emotionally immature to understand the risks, then you need to be a bit more protective, ' says Bayley.“如果你的孩子因为感情不成熟不能理解危险状况,你有必要采取更多保护措施,”Bayley说。

8.Write one run acting as immature of question a bit, the above-mentioned characters are enough to see my mood orbit for a long time.写了一篇有点跑题的未完成之作,以上的文字足够看到我很久的心情轨迹了。

9.This season, Arsenal seems to be pttle changed, so what exactly is a means to let the gunmen out of their immature, to be mature?本赛季,阿森纳似乎有点脱胎换骨,那么究竟是用了什么手段让枪手们摆脱稚嫩,走向成熟呢?

10.His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Cathopc school in Santiago.他的母亲对早熟而叛逆的儿子感到头疼,把他送到了圣地牙哥的一所天主学校去完成他的学业。