


美式发音: [baɪd] 英式发音: [baɪd]



过去式:bided  过去式:bode  过去式:bade  过去分词:bid  第三人称单数:bides  


bideIDMbide your time等待时机to wait for the right time to do sth— see alsoabide


v.1.an old word meaningto stay in a place

1.等待 abide 忍受, 遵守 bide 居住, 等待 bide for sb abj ect 可怜的 ...

2.等候 翻转: fpp 等候: bide 郊区: suburb ...

3.住 bloodshed 流血... bide 等候, , 忍耐, 等待... referendum 公民复决, 请示书 ... ...

4.居住 abide 忍受, 遵守 bide 居住, 等待 bide for sb abj ect 可怜的 ...

5.留 bicker v.n. 插嘴;潺潺流;闪烁 bide v. 居住;;等待;忍受 bifurcate a. 分为两部分 ...

6.忍受 bid 出价 bide 忍受 bind 绑 ...


1.Instead, she wanted to bide her time, to make sure that her product was exactly what she wanted and that it was a good match for her.她没有这样,她想等待时机,确保产品恰恰是自己所要的,并且很匹配于她本人。

2.Paiko was of a mind to tell the Inspector that he was not an armed robber, but he changed his mind and decided to bide his time.Paiko原想告诉巡官他不是一个持枪抢劫犯,但是还是改变了主意决定等待时机。

3.Mars in Aries is in a weak place in your chart, so bide your time until June to strike with major plans and events.火星位于白羊座,这在你的星盘上是个弱势的部分,所以等到六月份在开展你的大型计划或者事件把。

4.Sources said it showed that rather than launch a takeover he was prepared to bide his time as a long-term investor.有消息说,科伦克不打算马上发起收购,而是作为长期投资者准备等待时机。

5.The Jedi would bide their time, sensing through the Force when the moment was right to oppose the Empire.绝地们将等待时机,用原力体察推翻帝国的良机。

6.'Bide here a bit, and the cart will soon come, no doubt, ' said Mrs Durbeyfield.“在这儿等一会儿吧,马车很快就要来了,这是用不着怀疑的,”德北菲尔德太太说。

7.Unwilpng to settle for just any job, she said, she would rather bide her time.她不愿随便找个职业了事,因此她告诉记者,自己宁愿静等时机的出现。

8.in the dark land they bide , the vengeful knights of the razor.这些恶狠狠的操利刃的骑士们都住在黑乡。

9.One year, the losing side managed to drop the ball in a well to bide time.有一年,失败方曾设法把球投到一口井里来拖延时间。

10.He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that was nothing less than primitive.他更多的是狡猾,运用天性中的忍耐性等待时机到来。