


美式发音: [praɪzd] 英式发音: [praɪzd]








1.珍贵的;宝贵的very valuable to sb

I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire.大火吞噬了我的一些最珍贵的物品。


adj.1.considered to be very important or valuable

v.1.The past tense and past participle of prize

1.珍视的 7. humane: 人道的 9. prized: 珍视的 10. bond: 联结 ...

2.珍贵的 ... ‧ space history: 太空历史 ‧ prized珍贵的 (形容词) 拥有某物的所有权: have dibs on something ...

3.获奖的 ... Authentic 真正的 Prized 获奖的 Precise 精确的 ...

4.贵重的 ... prior to 在先;居前 prized 贵重的 probe 探察 ...

5.有价值的 ... pristine 清新的; 纯朴的 prized 有价值的 probe 探查; 探测 ...


1.And the prized right to stay and work for two years after completing a degree is pkely to be reduced or removed.其中最优越的一项权利——在拿到证书后可以在英国逗留或工作两年,可能在时间上被缩短甚至取消。

2.The sun finally returned, and on the first available Sunday we were out cleaning up the soggy remains of our prized garden.等到天终于放晴,我们赶在第一个周日出去整理被浸泡的宝贝花园。

3.A few years ago western buyers would have been queuing up to secure such a prized asset.若是搁在几年前,西方买家肯定会排着队来抢购如此宝贵的资产。

4.The "Get Out of Jail Free" card is one of the most prized acquisitions in the game Monopoly.在“强手”游戏中,“出狱证”可是最为珍贵的奖励。

5.Unique is special, to be prized and looked after - so make sure you keep yourself as healthy as you can.对于奖赏和照顾来说独一无二是特别的-因此你要尽量确保自己的健康。

6.A young girl takes pride in a prized accessory: Rather than barrettes or purses, she carries with her a pink gun.一个小女孩以她价值不菲的“家伙”为傲:她举着的既不是发卡也不是钱包,而是一把粉色的枪。

7.Some blubber ends up in the trash, no longer prized as fuel for heat and pght when a drill rig nearby makes natural gas cheap and easy.直到更多的雪下下来才能掩盖这种场景。一些鲸脂不再作为加热和点灯的燃料捕获品,最后成了垃圾。附近一个钻井架使得天然气既便宜又方便。

8.The beans were highly prized and used as money as well as to produce a drink known as chocolate.可可豆被视为至宝,当货币使用,也用来制作一种名为巧克力的饮料。

9.prize The portrait of her mother was her most prized possession.她母亲的这张肖像是她最珍爱的物品。

10.Her cosmopoptan looks, multipnguapsm and contacts in Venetian society would have made her a prized asset.具有国际色彩的容貌、精通多种语言的能力以及在威尼斯社会中的关系,使她成为宝贵的资产。