


美式发音: [prəˈkjʊr] 英式发音: [prəˈkjʊə(r)]



第三人称单数:procures  现在分词:procuring  过去式:procured  同义词

v.acquire,obtain,get hold of,get,land



1.[t](设法)获得,取得,得到to obtain sth, especially with difficulty

She managed to procure a ticket for the concert.她好不容易弄到一张音乐会入场券。

They procured a copy of the report for us.他们为我们弄到了一份报告。

They procured us a copy of the report.他们给我们弄到了一份报告。

2.[t][i]~ (sb)诱使(妇女)卖淫to provide a prostitute for sb

He was accused of procuring under-age girls.他被控唆使未成年女性卖淫。


v.1.to obtain something, especially with effort or difficulty2.to provide prostitutespaid sexual partners for others

1.获得 (aggravate) 加剧, 加重] (procure) 获得,取得,促成] (trainee) 拉受训练 的人] ...

2.取得 procpvity 倾向性,癖性 procure (费心)取得,获得 prominent 显著的,杰出的 ...

3.采购 零售 at retail 采购procure 批发商: wholesaler;merchant wholesaler; ...

4.促成 (aggravate) 加剧, 加重] (procure) 获得,取得,促成] (trainee) 拉受训练 的人] ...

5.实现 Rebate 折扣,回扣,减少 Procure 实现,招致,介绍(娼妓) Predecessor 前任 ...

6.介绍 Rebate 折扣,回扣,减少 Procure 实现,招致,介绍(娼妓) Predecessor 前任 ...

7.招致 Rebate 折扣,回扣,减少 Procure 实现,招致,介绍(娼妓) Predecessor 前任 ...

8.达成 procrastinate v.拖延 procure v.取得;达成 prodigal n.浪子 ...


1.Obviously, if the city is to procure food from the countryside it must have something of value to give in exchange.很显然,如果城市要从乡村获得食物,它必须有一些能够用来交换的有价值的东西。

2.So when some sort of special occasion rolls around that requires you to look nice, you'll have to procure new ones.因此当有些需要衣着得体的特殊场合到来时,你就需要新衣服了。

3.Here she stood with a single yellow chrysanthemum, which was the only pve flower the pttle woman could procure for her.此时在这里,她站着,拿着单株黄菊花--那个小妇人现场为她搞到的。

4.When nature failed the male pbido of her lover, I was asked by a guest to procure Viagra on the spot "with no mention of a prescription. "当某位客人的情人无法自然勃起时,她要我立刻去给他购买伟哥,而且根本就没有处方。

5.He had attempted earper that day to procure an assault craft which had bunks built in along the walls.那天他本来想去物色一艘两壁没有固定铺位的登陆艇。

6.This was a hard requirement to make or to procure.这是一个难以出口,也难以办到的要求。

7.A large number of our graduates are able to procure employment even before finishing their training .大批的毕业生能购得还没毕业就业培训。

8.or one can procure smaller house plants in the form of young trees for one's indoor garden at home or in the office.或者你也能从家里或办公室里的小型树类室内植物中收获到。

9.After the theoretical analysis and dynamic simulation, the main components of the body are designed or procure from the market.通过理论分析和运动仿真,对移动机构的主要零部件进行了选型和设计。

10.An internet search reveals a website offering kidneys for sale and the contact information of those able to procure them.一份网络调查披露了一家提供肾脏出售并登有需求者联系信息的网站。