


美式发音: ['proʊdroʊm] 英式发音: ['prəʊdrəʊm]





n.1.【医】前驱症状2.序论;序卷 (to)

n.1.a symptom indicating the onset of a disease

1.前驱症状 hippodrome n. (古希腊)跑马场, 竞技场 prodrome n. 前驱症状, 序论 syndrome n. 综合病症 ...

2.序论 hippodrome n. (古希腊)跑马场, 竞技场 prodrome n. 前驱症状, 序论 syndrome n. 综合病症 ...

3.先兆 prodromal stage 前驱症状期 prodrome 先兆 product 产品 ...

4.绪论 genome 染色体组 prodrome 绪论,导论 fropcsome 快活的,欢乐的 ...

5.绪论,导论 163. cismontane:adj. 在山的这一边的。 164. prodrome:n. 绪论,导论。 165. brume:n. 雾霭。 ...

6.前驱状症期* 前驱状症期 (Prodrome): 在精神病明显发病之前,有一段时间患者在生活功能上受损有受损的情形。* 躁狂(Mania): 双极性情 …

7.前驱期 前驱期(prodrome):60%的migraine的人见得到24-48hr前愉悦,忧郁,易怒,食慾↑,便秘,项僵,哈欠 先兆(aura)25%视觉,感觉, …


1.It is prodrome respectively period, foreboding period, convulsion period, atony lethargy period and recognizant convalescence.分别是前驱症状期、先兆期、痉挛期、弛缓昏睡期和意识恢复期。

2.The prodrome may be considered to be the Migraineur's "yellow pght, " a warning that a Migraine is imminent.前驱期被认为是偏头痛的“黄灯”--偏头痛即将发作的警告。

3.After cruel hairstyle is prodrome, appear very quickly breathe difficult , cyanosis .暴发型为前驱症状之后,很快出现呼吸困难、发绀。

4.The performance of periodic mental disease is more, general component is prodrome, mental symptom and body symptom.周期性精神病的表现较多,一般分为前驱症状,精神症状和躯体症状。

5.cerebral hemorrhage: Have a headache to often be prodrome, the vomiting of afterwards, insensible , pmbs breaks down.脑出血:头痛常为前驱症状,继之呕吐、昏迷、肢体瘫痪。

6.Prodrome period count a second continuously only, the patient has dizziness, have a headache, tinnitus, entered foreboding period;前驱症状期仅持续数秒,患者有头晕、头痛、耳鸣,然后进入了先兆期;

7.More serious symptoms in adults are often preceded by a prodrome成人在这些较严重症状出现前常有前驱症状

8.Analysis of the inducement and prodrome of children with vasovagal syncope儿童血管迷走性晕厥的诱因与先兆分析