




1.陈教授 Dr Smith 史密斯博士 Professor Chen 陈教授 It's very hot in summer. 夏季天气很热. ...

2.陈昭泉教授 Professor Yang( 杨寿康教授) Professor Chen( 陈昭泉教授 ) Part of Post-reunion Email Messages( 聚会后部分电子邮件) ...


1.Law professor Chen Ruihua of the Peking University said the 1983 revision has resulted in "insufficient supervision" of death sentences.北京人民大学法学教授陈瑞华说,1983年的修正案导致了对死刑案监管不利的局面。

2.As far as I remember Professor Chen has never been on the dot for any gathering.就我所能记忆中,陈教授对任何聚会从不守时。

3.In memory of his teacher Professor Chen Yuan, Qi Gong decided in 1991 to set up a foundation to give awards.在内存中的他的老师教授陈元齐供在1991年决定成立一个基金会,给予奖励。

4.Jenny. Dialogue two A. Professor Chen, allow me to introduce to you the head of our department, Mr Wang.陈教授,让我给你介绍一下我们的系主任王先生。

5.Boundary and existing form of practice-- Questioning about professor Chen Xian-da's "outside of practice"实践的界限及其存在形式--对陈先达教授“实践范围之外”的质疑

6.In 1984, the "The General History of Tea" written by professor Chen Chuan was pubpshed by China Agricultural Press.1984年,陈椽先生专著《茶业通史》由中国农业出版社出版。

7.I think your headmaster has told you about professor Chen. As he is ill, I instead it for him today.我想校长已经告诉你们关于陈教授的情况了。因为他生病了,今天我来代课。

8.Professor Chen thought highly of Qi Gong and helped him to find jobs of teaching at several institutions.陈教授认为高度的齐公,并帮助他找到工作的教学若干机构。

9.This translation is provided by Microsoft, jinjiang College Professor Chen Dongsheng audit, please correct me where haste is insufficient.本段翻译由微软提供,闽江学院陈东生教授审核,产业分析,时间仓促不足的地方请指正。?。

10.eg: Xiao Li helped Professor Chen to carry those books to his office.小李帮陈教授把那些书搬到他的办公室。(可能小李搬的更多。)