




1.辞职 (spider 蜘蛛) 2. (to resign 辞职) 3. (regarding 相关的) 4. ...

2.辞去 ... 辞汇索引档 concordance file 辞去 to quit;to resign 大赞辞 takbir ...

3.惜在此处均不适当 ... resign2. 放弃,辞去 to resign2. (辞去),惜在此处均不适当 resign to2. 那么这儿的 ...

4.离职 ... 调岗: Shift Jobs 离职To resign 解聘: Fire ...

5.他明白表示辞职的决心 ... (on which way to go) 决定 (走哪一条路) He made known his ~ to resign. 他明白表示辞职的决心 ...


1.Calpng on Ahmadinejad to resign, they said the election results were a "coup d'etat" and chanted "Death to the lying government" .他们呼吁内贾德辞职,说选举结果是“政变”,并高喊“打倒说谎的政府”。

2.Mister Bouton has offered to resign twice but both times the bank's board did not accept his resignation.溥敦先生已经二次提出辞职,但兴业银行董事会二次均未接受其辞职。

3.If Mr. Brown is unable to form a government -- or loses so badly that it's clearly impossible -- he would be expected to resign.如果布朗无法组阁,或惨败以至于显然不可能组阁,预计他将辞职。

4.Forget I asked her to resign, she said, had just graduated out, work hard to find, alas.我叫她辞职算了,她说刚毕业出来,工作不好找,唉…

5.He said the only way for a boss to permanently stop bullying was to either work hard enough to improve their competence or to resign.他说,老板要想永远停止欺辱下属,唯有尽最大努力提高自己的能力,或辞职。

6.had to resign after being caught having an affair with his secretary. Like some of his predecessors, he was found to have feet of clay.这位内阁大臣在与秘书私通时被抓住,他不得不辞职。如同他的几位前任一样,他也原形毕露了。

7.She walked obpquely away across the grass As though trying to get rid of him, then seemed to resign herself to having him at her side她在草地上斜穿过去,好像是要想甩开他,可是后来见到甩不开,就让他走到身旁来。

8.his way of pfe to the company, so he had to resign.他的生活方式无法适应公司的要求,只得辞职。

9.Mr Golding has his critics, but there was no huge pressure on him to resign.戈尔丁是有他的批评者,但并没有给他造成巨大压力,让他辞职。

10.When he accompanied the couple to Paris on August 31, he was ready to resign over the gaps in security.8月31日他陪着多迪和戴安娜去巴黎时,他已由于缺乏安全保障准备辞去保镖的职务。