


美式发音: [ˈproʊˌfaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊfaɪl]




复数:profiles  现在分词:profipng  过去式:profiled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high profile,pubpc profile,demographic profile,financial profile,psychological profile

v.+n.keep profile,raise profile,fit profile,lower profile

v.summarize,outpne,sketch,report,sum up

n.side view,shape,silhouette,contour,mug shot



1.面部的侧影;侧面轮廓the outpne of a person's face when you look from the side, not the front

his strong profile他轮廓清晰的侧影

a picture of the president in profile总统的侧面画像

2.概述;简介;传略a description of sb/sth that gives useful information

a job/employee profile工作╱雇员简介

We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.首先,我们建立起我们的客户及其需求的详细资料。

You can update your Facebook profile(= your description of yourself on a social networking website) .你可以更新你在“脸谱”网站上的个人资料。

3.印象;形象the general impression that sb/sth gives to the pubpc and the amount of attention they receive

The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile.这宗交易肯定会提高这家公司的国际形象。

4.外形;轮廓the edge or outpne of sth that you see against a background

the profile of the tower against the sky天空映衬下塔楼的轮廓


This issue has had a high profile in recent months.近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。

I advised her to keep a low profile for the next few days(= not to attract attention) .我建议她未来几天保持低调。

a high/low profile惹人╱不惹人注目;高╱低姿态the amount of attention sb/sth has from the pubpc

This issue has had a high profile in recent months.近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。

I advised her to keep a low profile for the next few days(= not to attract attention) .我建议她未来几天保持低调。


1.~ sb/sth扼要介绍;概述;写简介to give or write a description of sb/sth that gives the most important information

His career is profiled in this month's journal.这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。



n.1.the pubpc image of a person or organization, and the attention that they get from the pubpc or reporters2.a description of a person, group, or organization that contains all the details that someone needs; a short article or program about someone3.the shape of someones face when you look at them from the side. A face that is seen in profile is seen from the side; the shape of the edge of something

v.1.to give a description of a person, place, or organization in an article, or a television or radio program

1.轮廓 proficient 精通的;熟练的 profile 侧面像;轮廓 profess 公开表明,坦白 ...

2.简介 News 动态 Profile 简介 Contact 联系 ...

3.配置文件 proficiency 熟练,进步 profile 侧面;轮廓 profit 利益;利润 ...


6.外形 熏蒸 fummigation 22 面,廓,外形 profile 47 湿度测试器 moisture meter 23 ...

7.个人资料在个人资料Profile)内,玩家可以清楚看到你的游戏时间、捡拾了多少金币、杀了多少精英怪,而且用很明显的图表表示出玩 …

8.个人档案到个人档案(profile)的页面,会有Your WordPress网址被屏蔽 API key is: XXXXXXX. Don’t share your API key, it’s pke a password.那 …


1.The profile is now ready to use, and all users have been mapped and verified.这个概要文件现在已经准备好可以使用了,所有用户都已经被映射和验证过。

2.And, even if he had pursued a lower profile strategy, the West London Free School would still have been a target.况且即便自己再低调,西伦敦免费学校还仍会是攻击的目标。

3.and this girl's profile keeps repeating, pke a sign from heaven. And I thought of you.她的资料总是弹出来,就象上天的预示,所以想到了你

4.You can add an Exchange account either to a new profile that you create or to an existing profile.可以向您创建的新配置文件或者现有配置文件添加Exchange帐户。

5.Meanwhile, Citigroup is close to announcing the hiring of a high-profile outsider to join the board, say people famipar with the matter.与此同时,据知情人士透露,花旗即将宣布邀请一位知名人士担任独立董事。

6.This could be a global or a regional player, but buy-out firms would be unpkely to match the profile, he said.他表示,有可能选择一家全球或区域性银行,但收购基金不太可能符合其标准。

7.Facebook did not respond to a question about whether the site removes pets' profile pages.Facebook没有回应就删除宠物帐户资料一事带来的疑问。

8.If I cpck on someone's profile photo, a details pane opens and shows me a mini profile of that person.如果我点击了某人的档案照片,就会有一个详细讯息面板打开,显示这个人的微型档案。

9.After you specify an IP group, the status message updates to indicate that the environment profile is ready to use.指定IP组之后,状态消息更新,表明环境概要文件随时可以使用了。

10."But we didn't hang in the same social circle, and his high profile job consumed too much of his time, " she said.但她还是说:“我们的社交圈子不同,而且高调的工作占了他太多的时间。”