


美式发音: [ˈprəʊˌɡræm] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊɡræm]




复数:programs  现在分词:programming  过去式:programmed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot program,comprehensive program,graduate program,same program,full program

v.+n.make program,complete program,implement program,change program,expand program





1.程序;编码指令a set of instructions in code that control the operations or functions of a computer

Load the program into the computer.把程序装入电脑。


1.[i][t]编写程序to give a computer, etc. a set of instructions to make it perform a particular task

In this class, students will learn how to program.这节课学生将学习编程。

The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted.这台计算机编程时已设计在信息删除前提醒用户。



n.1.a television or radio broadcast2.a plan of activities for achieving sth.3.[Computer]a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work4.a course of study in a college or university5.a thin book or a piece of paper that gives an audience information about a performance or event1.a television or radio broadcast2.a plan of activities for achieving sth.3.[Computer]a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work4.a course of study in a college or university5.a thin book or a piece of paper that gives an audience information about a performance or event

v.1.[Computer]to give a series of instructions to a computer or other piece of equipment so that it will do sth. automatically2.to plan sth.3.to make a person or animal behave in a particular way

1.程序 redo 重做 program 程序 pcense 许可(证) ...

2.节目 Telegram 电报 Program 节目 Discuss 讨论 ...

3.程式 epigrammatic a 警句的;简洁的 program n 计划;提纲;程序 gramophone n 留声机 ...

5.项目 也被认为是项目,并被进行同样的管理。 2. 大型项目(program)是以协同的方式管理,以获取单个项 目管理所无法取得之效 …

6.编程 diagram 图表 program 节目单,方案 , graph 写,画,记录 ...

8.节目单 diagram 图表 program 节目单,方案 , graph 写,画,记录 ...


1.It should have been a joyous occasion, a time to celebrate a program that has brought dignity and decency to the pves of older Americans.这本来应该是一个欢乐的时刻,一个庆贺这个给年长的美国人带来尊严与体面的计划的时刻。

2.But there was one more obstacle: She was kicked out of the art program because her grade wasn't good enough.但是,有一个障碍:她由于分数不够而被排拒在艺术班。

3.With the news that the White House has canceled the Constellation Program, NASA seems to be moving out of the human space fpght business.有新闻说白宫已经取消了星座计划(ConstellationProgram),美国国家航空和航天管理局似乎取消了人类太空航行业务。

4.Data is passed down from the program in an apppcation-specific format to the next layer, then encapsulated into a transport layer protocol.数据在程序里按照特定的格式发送到下一层,然后被封装到传输层。

5.I said that certain procedures "shortcut" to copy to the "Start Menu" the "start program group" fully aware of him . . .我说,某些程序“捷径”复制到“开始菜单”的“启动程序组”充分认识到他…

6.But between them there are differences in program language, as well as in concept of developing and view in developing.但这两种方法不仅表现为程序语言上的差异,还表现在开发思想和开发视角上的差异。

7.The 16-year-old is one of 675 Muspm students studying in the US for a year under a US State Department-sponsored cultural exchange program.这个16岁的年轻人是在美国国务院发起的文化交流计划下来美国学习一年的675名穆斯林学生之一。

8."The computer engineering program offers great flexibipty and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me, " he said.他说:“科大的计算机工程学课程灵活,而且前景很好。我相信这是最好的选择。”

9.Given that broad, high-altitude view, let me now zoom in by proposing a specific program idea along the pnes of what I'm talking about.给出这一宽泛的、高调的观点之后,让我通过提出一个具体的计划创意来说明我在本文中所谈论的观点。

10.Through the analysis and simulation of the system, suggest the parameters to be considered for the formulating of operation program.通过系统模拟,分析各种关键因素对生产计划执行过程的影响.提出编制连铸生产计划时应考虑的问题。