




1.进步时代 ... calendar era 纪年 Progressive Era 进步时代 ; 进步年代 ; 进步时期 ; 进步运动 Era Primavera 曾是春天 ...

6.进步时期的思潮部份位於西岸,相信与西岸的强悍民风、崇尚个人主义及进步时期的思潮Progressive Era)等历史文化原因不无关系。而 …

7.进步纪元世纪初期美国的「进步纪元Progressive Era)」思潮中的主张之一:公共行政


1.'I think a new world order is emerging with the foundation of a new progressive era of international cooperation, ' he said.布朗说,我认为随着一个国际合作不断进步的新时代的奠基,一个新世界秩序正在逐渐浮现。

2.I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.我认为新的世界秩序正在形成,国家之间共同合作的新的进步的时代已经来临。

3.During the early 1900s Progressive Era, new sanitary regulations outlawed street food vendors all across the United States.在1900年代早期的进步时代(ProgressiveEra),新的卫生法规取缔了全美国的街头食品摊贩。

4.No matter how bad the economic problems became, progressive-era popticians did not impose huge debt burdens on their children.不论经济问题变得多么糟糕,进步时代的政治家们没有将巨额债务负担留给他们的孩子们。

5.In the progressive era, there was an understanding that men who impregnated women should marry them.在进步时代,人们认为让女人怀孕的男人就应该与那个女人结婚。

6.The progressive era still had a Victorian culture, with its rectitude and restrictions.在进步时代仍然保留着维多利亚文化的正直与约束。

7.It is small wonder, then that the progressive era was a drear period for Negroes ambitious for the advancement of their race.因此,毫不奇怪,进步时代对于热望争取其种族进步的黑人来说,是一个抑郁的时期。

8.New York City constructed 25 pubpc baths in the Progressive era, a time when waves of poor immigrants from Europe were arriving.纽约在进步纪元年代修建了25个公众浴池,这个时间是欧洲贫穷移民潮到达的时段。

9.In the progressive era, the task was to build programs; today the task is to reform existing ones.在进步时代,政府的任务是做出计划安排,而今天,政府的任务是对现有的制度进行改革。

10.But they have started making analogies between this era and the progressive era around the turn of the 20th century.但是他们开始将现在这个时代与20世纪之交时的进步时代(progressiveera)进行类比。