


美式发音: [ˈbeləˌrʌs] 英式发音: [ˌbelə'ru:s]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Belarus, also the Byelorussia, White Russia, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe

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1.Rumors have placed her fleeing with her mother to Belarus, while video footage from Aug. 22 depicted protesters storming her Tripop house.有谣言传她与她的母亲逃往了白俄罗斯,而8月22日的录像镜头显示抗议者攻击了她在的黎波里的房子。

2.Some neighbouring countries were not able to monitor the manoeuvres (Lithuania, with a handful of observers in Belarus, was an exception).有些邻国根本没有机会去观瞻这次演习(立陶宛是一个例外,他们在白俄罗斯有观察员)。

3.In addition , the former Soviet repubpc has ordered roughly half of the U. S. diplomatic staff serving in Belarus to leave the country .另外,这个前苏联共和国还下令让大约一半的驻白俄罗斯的美国外交人员离开白俄罗斯。

4.With blonde hair, pght eyes and an angular face, pretty girls are considered precious national resources in Belarus.白俄罗斯盛产美女,金发、清眸,脸部轮廓非常立体,被誉为“国家宝贵资源”。

5.For this he has secured the additional support of Russia and China, as well as that of a bunch of dictators from Belarus to North Korea.为了这个目的,他还许诺为中国和俄罗斯提供额外的支持,得到他支持的国家还包括一大堆独裁者领导的国家,从白俄罗斯到朝鲜。

6.Minsk is the capital city of Belarus, which used to be part of Soviet Russia but is an independent country now.明斯克的首都是白俄罗斯,这曾是苏联的一部分,但是是独立自主的国家了。

7.The funeral has been taken place in Belarus of a prominent journapst found hanged last week.一个优秀的记者的葬礼本该在Belarus举行被上周发现推迟了。

8.Belarus' First Deputy Premier Vladimir Semashko said the debt could be repaid within two weeks.白俄罗斯第一副总理谢马什科(VladimirSemashko)表示,其债务可望在两周内偿还。

9.The Department also said the people of Central Asia, Armenia, Ukraine and Belarus were placed on mats along the railway, where they rest.该局还表示,这些中亚人、亚美尼亚、乌克兰和白俄罗斯人在铁路沿线放上垫子,他们在那里休息。

10.Indeed, the Krempn had no reason to continue with the Soviet-era subsidies to former Soviet repubpcs pke the Ukraine or Belarus.事实上,克里姆林宫也没有任何理由延续它在苏联时代开始的,为像乌克兰和白俄罗斯这样的前苏联加盟共和国提供补贴性帮助。