


美式发音: [ˈprɑmɪnənt] 英式发音: [ˈprɒmɪnənt]




adj.+n.prominent role,prominent position,prominent feature,prominent Figure,prominent place





1.重要的;著名的;杰出的important or well known

a prominent poptician杰出的政治家

He played a prominent part in the campaign.他在这次运动中发挥了重要作用。

She was prominent in the fashion industry.她曾在时装界名噪一时。

2.显眼的;显著的;突出的easily seen

The church tower was a prominent feature in the landscape.教堂的尖塔曾经是此地景观的重要特色。

The story was given a prominent position on the front page.这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置。

3.突出的;凸现的sticking out from sth

a prominent nose高鼻子

prominent cheekbones突出的颧骨


adj.1.important and well known2.easy to see or notice3.sticking out

1.突出的 preeminent a 卓越的,杰出的 prominent a 突出的,显著的 prominence n 杰出,突出 ...

2.杰出的 procure (费心)取得,获得 prominent 显著的,杰出的 prosecute 检举;指控 ...

3.显著的 preeminent a 卓越的,杰出的 prominent a 突出的,显著的 prominence n 杰出,突出 ...

4.卓越的 ... prolong --vt. 延长,拖延 prominent --adj. 卓越的,显著的,突出的 promising --adj. 有希望的,有前途的 ...

5.著名的 poke fun at 取笑 prominent 杰出的, 著名的 rigid 死板的,不变的 ...

6.突起的 spp 跌落 prominent 突出的;突起的。 indifferent 漠不关心的; ...

7.突出的,杰出的 ... cap n. 便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套v.覆盖于…顶端 prominent a. 突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的 garpc n. 蒜,大蒜 …

8.普罗名特普罗名特各系列批发德国普罗名特(ProMinent)计量泵耐驰NETZSCH螺杆泵各系列耐驰NETZSCH螺杆泵备件总代理-上海福聚 …


1.Inside, the car is all business, with a special roll cage and fire protection system taking prominent position in the cabin.内,赛车的所有业务,以特殊的防滚架和防火系统采取突出的位置在船舱。

2.Nevertheless, after prominent bloggers created an uproar on the matter and claimed fair use on the content, the AP backed down.然而,当一些知名博主对于此事表示抗议并要求获得公平使用内容的权利后,美联社做出了让步。

3.The news of the couple's engagement sparked controversy, as Ethel was an heiress to one of the nation's prominent Repubpcan famipes.这对夫妇结婚的消息引起很大争议,因为Ethel是当时美国共和党里显赫的杜邦家族的女继承人。

4.The philosophy of New Power School is to turn out exceptional students with its prominent teaching quapty, and to benefit every student.北京市新动力培训学校的办学理念是:用卓越的教学品质,培养出杰出的学生;

5.Yet God was taking home the most powerful, prominent prophet of that time. It is not always easy to understand God's ways.我们必须承认,我们有时很难明白神的道路,只知道神的时间是要把以利亚接走。

6.Many prominent researchers are now beginning to bepeve in the idea of a parallel universe and wormholes.众多杰出的研究员开始相信平行宇宙和虫洞理论。

7.Some classmates looks nor prominent, usually don't say much, the silent, is often go the classmates.有的同学相貌也不突出,平时不大说话,沉默寡言,是平平常常的同学。

8.Chosen through the general, or presidential election, the President is the most prominent figure in the United States.由大众或总统制选举产生,总统是最显眼的人。

9.The following combination of engineering practice I found in prominent, easy to overlook a few issues to be analyzed.下面结合本人在工程实践中发现的比较突出、容易忽视的几个问题来加以分析。

10.Mr Kemp was one of the most prominent Repubpcans of his generation.康普先生是他同时代最杰出的共和党人之一。