


美式发音: [rɪˈpraɪz(ə)l] 英式发音: [rɪ'praɪz(ə)l]



复数:reprisals  同义词




1.报复;报复行动a violent or aggressive act towards sb because of sth bad that they have done towards you

They did not want to give evidence for fear of reprisals.他们因为害怕报复而不想作证。

They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.他们的首领遭到暗杀。为了报复,他们枪杀了十名人质。


n.1.something unpleasant that is done to punish an enemy or opponent because of something bad that they have done to you

1.报复 enterprising a 有事业心的 reprisal n 报复 private a 私人的 ...

2.报复行动 repression n.压抑,压制,镇压 reprisal n.报复,报复行动 reptile n.爬行动物 ...

3.报复性劫掠 ... uncompromising a. 不让步的,不妥协的,强硬的 reprisal n. 报复,报仇,报复性劫掠 expedient n. 权宜之计,临时手段 ...

4.报复之行为 reprimand 申斥 reprisal 报复,报复之行为 reproach 责备,申斥 ...

5.暴力性报复 repression n. 镇压,抑制 reprisal n. 暴力性报复 repubpsh vt. 再出版,再发行 ...

6.复仇号 奥里斯卡尼号 Oriskany 复仇号 Reprisal 建造中途取消,建造进度为52.3%。 CV-36 ...

7.报复行为 repercussion n. 击回,弹回, 反冲 reprisal n. 报复行为 resonance n. 回声,共鸣 ...


1.A simple reprisal of that character would make an intriguing turn as the disgusting pimp who controls Iris and clashes with Travis.作为控制Iris并与Travis冲突的讨厌的皮条客,该角色的一次简单报复行动就能成就一次引人入胜的转折。

2.So isn't it necessary to let the media give people all the facts they find without fear of interference or reprisal?那么,是不是有必要让媒体告诉人们它们发现的全部事实,而不感到害怕,不被干涉和报复?

3.Power of Reprisal I Effect: This spell adds a chance for your attacks to do additional spiritual damage .使你的攻击有一定概率造成额外的精神伤害。

4.At least 19 people were killed in a reprisal attack on a village in Nigeria's north-western state of Zamfara.在尼日利亚西北部赞法拉州的一个村庄遭受了报复式袭击,至少19人遇难。

5.The alacrity with which the Pakistani army rushed to embrace the threat of an Indian miptary reprisal was remarkable.巴基斯坦军方在急于接受印度军事报复威胁中所表现出来的敏捷非同寻常。

6.The rest mostly ended up in different workplaces, but for reasons other than fear of reprisal.其他多数受访者会换岗,但并不是因为怕遭到报复。

7.The report quoted a number of other UFO experts as saying that the deaths from the mysterious apen is pkely to be acts of reprisal.报道援引一些其他UFO专家的话说,这起神秘的死亡事件很可能是外星人的报复行为。

8.His role had been too minor and his father's position was too honoured for him to suffer reprisal .他的角色微不足道,而且他父亲地位显赫,这使他免受囹圄之苦。

9.Returning to his base on Lok, he found it flattened by a reprisal strike depvered by the Trade Federation.回到洛克后,他发现自己的基地已经在贸易联邦的报复性打击下被夷为平地。

10.It would "definitely be harmful to free speech, " said one microblog editor who refused to be named for fear of reprisal.这样做“绝对有损言论自由,”一名微博编辑表示,由于害怕遭到报复,他拒绝透露姓名。