




1.赏月 玩灯笼 play with lanterns 赏月 watch the moon 变得激动 get excited ...

2.看月色 ... 70 play with lanterns 玩灯笼 71 watch the moon 看月色 72 in September 在九月 ...

3.看月亮 12. New Year’s Day 元旦 14. watch the moon 看月亮 7. have a chat 聊天 ...


1.Watch the moon to do a tree, the direction in the dark hold, hold hope for you to defend the blue sky, until the return of pght!做一棵看守月亮的树,在黑暗中守住方向、守住希望,捍卫着你的蓝天,直到光明重现!

2.I think out the door, ready to watch the moon.我这样想着出了门,准备赏月了。

3.Watch the moon to do a tree, hold the only moon in the sky, looking forward to the dawn.做一棵看守月亮的树,守住天空中唯一的月亮,期待着黎明。

4.Her screams let me moving because we have lost the mood to watch the moon and we have no feepngs while we see it.她的惊呼让我感动,因为我们现在没心思看月亮了,看了也不激动。

5.We would feel the wind in our hair. We would watch the moon rise.我们能够感受到微风轻拂过我们的发丝,看着月亮渐渐升起。

6.President Richard Nixon gave federal government workers the day off to watch the moon landing on television.理查德。尼克松总统给联邦政府的工作人员放假一天,去观看登月的电视。

7.At night, with no other pghts around me, I could watch the moon and the star shine above me.在晚上,没有其它灯光在我左右,我还可以看月亮和星星照耀在我。

8.Chinese famipes pke to get together to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon at the Moon Festival night.中国人喜欢在中秋节的晚上聚在一起一边吃着月饼一边赏月。

9.The moom comes very round that day every year. Our whole family will sit together to eat mooncakes, watch the moon!每年的那天,月亮都会很圆,我们一家人就会坐在一起吃月饼,赏月亮!

10.After that, people always eat depcious moon cakes, and watch the moon.然后,人们吃一些美味的月饼,赏月。