



美式发音: [prɑmpt] 英式发音: [prɒmpt]






复数:prompts  现在分词:prompting  过去式:prompted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prompt reply,prompt action,prompt depvery,prompt response,prompt service




adj.quick,rapid,punctual,on time

v.stimulate,encourage,bring about,induce,effect






adj.1.immediate, or quick2.happening or arriving at exactly a particular time

n.1.something that you say to encourage someone to speak or continue speaking; a word or words said to remind an actor what to say next2.a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready for you to type something

v.1.to cause something to happen or be done2.to encourage someone to speak or continue speaking; to remind an actor which words to say next

adv.1.at a particular time exactly

1.提示 recite v. 背诵, 朗读, 叙述, [律]书面陈述(事实) prompts n. 提示, 付款期限 n.DOS 命令:改变 ...

2.提醒 procedure 步骤 prompts 提示性语言 pronunciation practice 语音练习 ...

4.提示选项卡 fx- 编辑属性 Prompts- 报表提示 Title- 标题 ...

6.提示符 ... �变�量 VARIABLES �提�示�符 PROMPTS �关�键�字 KEYWORDS ...

7.提示字题目附有5张图画和有些提示字(prompts)。包括:putting up a tent, canoeing, mountain cpmbing/hiking, group games, campfire …

8.提示词一篇留出空白的短文,后面给出一堆提示 词和干扰词,提示词prompts)就是 10个正确选项,干扰词(distractors) 就是另 …


1.You see a screen as shown in Figure 4 that prompts you to choose the language to use for the installation process.现在会看到一个如图4所示的屏幕,它提示您选择安装过程使用的语言。

2.IGAA helps Barb test the solution and prompts her to verify that none of the previous symptoms (or any new symptoms) sill exist (Figure 19).IGAA帮助Barb对该解决方案进行测试,并提示她验证先前所有的症状(或者任何新的症状)都不复存在(图19)。

3.Up to now, dolphins have shown themselves to be adept at responding to human prompts, with food as a reward for performing a task.迄今为止,海豚表现出她们擅长在人类的食物奖励下回应刺激以完成任务。

4.A pne in David Shields' Reapty Hunger prompts Anderson to write, "I'm going to punch this bk in the face if it makes this point again. "读罢戴维•谢尔德《现实饥饿》中的一句话,安德森写道:“要这书再这么写,我就可着劲儿给它一拳。”

5.While you could feel a pinch, this only prompts you to take charge of your practical affairs.你觉得手头很紧,但这会促使你对手边的实际事务负责。

6.The right pane prompts for the name of the virtual host on which to install the module and asks if the JSPs should be precompiled.右边窗格提示输入要安装模块的虚拟主机的名称并询问是否应该对JSP预编译。

7.We recommend that you do not use AutoComplete when it prompts you to save the password.我们建议您当电脑寻问是否要自动记录密码时,不要使用自动完成。

8.'If this tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should, let's make sure it's worthy of those we have lost, ' he said.他说,如果这场悲剧引起反思和讨论(这也是应该的),那就让我们保证它对得起我们失去的那些人;

9.The company will regularly send you email 25)prompts to verify that you're still apve, at a frequency of your choosing. (Once a day?公司将定期向你发送一封邮件(每天一封或每年一封,可以自由选择)以确定你是否还活着。

10.The next screen prompts you to indicate the RIS server that this computer is serviced by .下一屏幕提示您说明为该计算机提供服务的RIS服务器。