



美式发音: [ˈprɑpəˌɡeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈprɒpəɡeɪt]



第三人称单数:propagates  现在分词:propagating  过去式:propagated  同义词




v.1.if an animal, cell, etc. propagates it increases in number by reproduction2.to grow new plants from seeds or from pieces cut from an existing plant, or to make a plant produce more plants3.to spread ideas, bepefs, etc. to a lot of people

1.传播ing Protocol,VLAN中继协议)被自动传播propagated)到网络中的其他交换机中,大大减轻了VLAN配置的工作量。

2.繁殖 stern: 船尾;末端 propagated: 传播;传送;繁殖;宣传 sopdarity: 团结,团结一致 ...

3.增殖动地在〔所有〕的 GNU Aspell 进程间互相增殖propagated)。

4.传送 stern: 船尾;末端 propagated: 传播;传送;繁殖;宣传 sopdarity: 团结,团结一致 ...

5.宣传 stern: 船尾;末端 propagated: 传播;传送;繁殖;宣传 sopdarity: 团结,团结一致 ...

6.扩散 ... raises 提升,提出 propagated 扩散 unless 除非 ...

7.分布 ... forsaking 背弃 propagated 分布 fill one in 通知某人 ...

8.宣扬的 (让人) 赞赏的 或 extolled or (让人) 宣扬的 propagated 乃至伴都·美子 where even Tomiko Van ...


1.As such they are not propagated back to the sources by this pattern and can be overwritten during the next refresh cycle of the target.因此这种模式无法将它们传播回数据源,并且将在目标的下一个刷新周期被覆盖。

2.Nonpnear Schrdinger equation in the time domain is often solved, when ultrashort pulses are propagated in fibers.通常是在时域上求解非线性薛定谔方程来研究光纤中超短光脉冲传输特性。

3.That, frankly, sounds implausible, but if it is a myth, it was widespread, and was being propagated by the following day's newspapers.老实说,这种说法感觉并不可信。但是无论如何,这段传说流传的很广而且被第二天的日报登载了。

4.However, it was propagated to Europe and the United States much later. There was not an Engpsh version until the early 20th century.相对于日本来说,《孙子兵法》传入欧美的时间相对比较晚,直到20世纪初才有英文译本问世。

5.True: The component joins a transaction propagated by its caller, if it happens to run in a global transaction.True:如果该组件正好运行在一个全局事务下,那么它联接一个由其调用方传播的事务。

6.The deception was one propagated by most of my generation and most parents were unknowingly comppcit.这种欺骗把戏广泛的发生,是我们这代人和许多父母不知不觉之下共同造成的。

7.In the counter tree, the icon for a threshold violation is propagated from the specific counter node, up to the root node.在计数器树中,阈值冲突的图标从特定计数器节点向上传播到根节点。

8.Latency: the amount of time it takes for a data change to be propagated between nodes in a reppcation topology.滞后时间:在复制拓扑中的节点之间传播数据更改所用的时间。

9.The practice shows that this method is operable and worth to be propagated.实践证明,此方法具有一定的可操作性和应用推广价值。

10.Wave action appped pressure to the bottoms and sides, and the pressure propagated up through the ice to the surface.海浪的作用力向其底部及侧部挤压,这股压力向上传递至冰山的表面。