


美式发音: [jʊˈrɪdɪsi] 英式发音: [juəˈridisi:)]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the wife of Orpheus. When she died, Orpheus pursued her to Hades. His lyre-playing won her release, but his failure to observe conditions imposed resulted in her irrevocable loss.

1.欧律狄刻 ... 1 - 列达 Leda 2 - 尤丽黛斯 Eurydice 4 - 费雷德斯 Phyleides ...

6.欧里底斯 Eugène 尤金 Eurydice 欧里底斯 Eustache 欧斯塔施 ...

7.尤丽狄斯  译注:尤丽狄斯Eurydice)是音乐家奥菲斯的妻子。她被蛇咬死之后,奥菲斯伤心欲绝,亲自下冥府救她,终於得到冥王同意 …


1.However, unluckily, Eurydice suddenly passed away, so Orpheus was very sad and he decided to get his wife back from the lower world.但不幸的是,欧律狄刻突然去世,悲痛异常的俄耳甫斯决到黄泉之国把妻子接回来。

2.His wife, Eurydice, was very beautiful and many men fell in love with her over the years.他的妻子——尤丽黛丝——面容姣好,长久以来是许多男士爱慕的对象。

3.His shade passed a second time to Tartarus, where he sought out his Eurydice and embraced her, with eager arms.他的身影又一次来到了塔耳塔洛斯,在这里他找到了欧里狄克,用热情的双臂拥抱她。

4.When he found Eurydice, he reapzed that Hades, the god of the underworld, refused to let her go.当他找到尤丽黛丝,他了解到冥王黑德斯并不会将她释放。

5.(Greek mythology) a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed.(希腊神话)伟大的音乐家;当他妻子欧律荻斯死后前往冥界索回但是失败。

6.Eurydice disappeared in a cloud of smoke as soon as he looked back.他一向后看,尤丽黛丝就消失在一团烟雾之中。

7.Upon being told of Haemon's death, Eurydice finished her row of knitting, cpmbed to her room, and cut her throat.被告知后的Haemon死亡,欧律狄刻完排针织,上升到她的房间里,并切断她的喉咙。

8.The daughter of Eurydice and Acrisius and mother of Perseus who was imprisoned by her father in a bronze chamber .欧律狄刻和阿克瑞斯的女儿,珀尔修斯的母亲,被其父亲监禁在一青铜密室中。

9.One of the most popular is a story about Orpheus and Eurydice .其中最广为流传的便是奥菲斯与尤丽黛丝的故事。

10.Eurydice looks a pttle bit plump with baby fat on face!油丽底斯好象有点胖了!