


美式发音: [prəˈtekʃənˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [prəˈtekʃ(ə)nˌɪz(ə)m]





n.isolationism,protection,trade barriers



1.(贸易)保护主义the principle or practice of protecting a country's own industry by taxing foreign goods



n.1.a system in which a country helps its own industries by putting taxes on foreign goods

1.保护主义 poptical economy 政治经济学 protectionism 保护主义 autarchy 闭关自守 ...

2.贸易保护主义 prosperity 繁荣 protectionism 贸易保护主义 protective committee 保护性委员会 ...

3.保护制 protection 保护,防护 protectionism 保护(贸易)制 protective system 保护关税制 ...

4.保护贸易政策 保护贸易 protective trade 保护贸易政策 protectionism 保税仓库 bonded warehouse ...

5.保护贸易主义 draw up 草拟 protectionism n. 保护贸易主义,保护贸易论,保护政策 shy away 避开,回避 ...

6.保护政策 draw up 草拟 protectionism n. 保护贸易主义,保护贸易论,保护政策 shy away 避开,回避 ...


1.They are trying to make " Protectionism " a bad word. . . in other words Governments won't do anything to protect your jobs or your economy.他们正在尝试把“贸易保护主义”变成一个贬义词……这就是说政府不会做任何事对你的工作或经济进行保护。

2.Quite a bit of criticism of China is disguised protectionism.相当多对中国的批评其实是变相的保护主义。

3.Mr Wen said he understood that countries wanted to increase exports but said they should not resort to what he described as protectionism.温家宝表示,他理解一些国家想扩大出口,但表示,它们不应该诉诸于他所称的贸易保护主义做法。

4.He said the UK side is ready to work with China to fight against protectionism and push forward the Doha round of talks.英方愿同中方共同努力,反对保护主义,推动多哈回合谈判取得进展。

5.Of the two America is often seen as the main culprit for the spread of protectionism.英美两国中,美国往往被视为贸易保护主义传播的罪魁。

6.For faipng to pve up to its commitments on corruption, protectionism and fuel subsidies, it gave the lowest grade to India.由于未兑现在腐败,保护主义及燃料津贴方面的承诺,印度成为得分最低的国家。

7.But, on the whole, protectionism has not been a hallmark of this economic downturn.但总体而言,保护主义并不是此次经济衰退的一个特征。

8.There is no doubt that the increase in protectionism is a matter of concern for the EU countries.毫无疑问,在贸易保护主义的增加是一个欧盟国家关注的问题。

9.This did not stop a descent into protectionism which put the "Great" into the Great Depression.但这为阻止有关国家实施保护主义,从而使“大崩溃”演变成了大萧条。

10.ZTE CEO Shi Lirong said the situation the company is facing in US is an indication of anti-competition, protectionism and anti-foreignism.中兴通讯总裁史立荣近期曾表示,目前中兴通讯在美国遭遇的情况是反对竞争、保护主义和排外思想的体现。