


美式发音: [ˈproʊtəˌkɔl] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊtəkɒl]




复数:protocols  同义词

n.procedure,etiquette,code of behaviour,rules,modus operandi



1.[u]礼仪;外交礼节a system of fixed rules and formal behaviour used at official meetings, usually between governments

a breach of protocol违反外交礼节

the protocol of diplomatic visits外交访问的礼仪

2.[c]条约草案;议定书;(协议或条约的)附件the first or original version of an agreement, especially a treaty between countries, etc.; an extra part added to an agreement or treaty

the first Geneva Protocol《日内瓦四公约》第一议定书

It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.这在有法律约束力的、构成条约一部分的附件中有说明。

3.[c](数据传输的)协议a set of rules that control the way data is sent between computers

4.[c]科学实验计划;医疗方案a plan for performing a scientific experiment or medical treatment



n.1.a set of rules for the correct way to behave on formal occasions; a set of rules for the correct way to provide a medical treatment or do a scientific experiment2.a method of sending information between computers3.a written agreement between countries

1.协议 Internet 互联网 protocol 协议 HTTP 超文本传输协议 ...

2.协定 协定 agreement 议定书 protocol 贸易协定 trade agreement ...

5.草案 profiteer 投机倒把者 protocol 草案,协议 puberty 青春期 ...

6.通讯协议在通讯协议 (protocol) 中选择 TCP/IP,在被问及时回答主机名称 (machine hosting the database) 及数据库名称 (instance name…

7.的协议每层的协议Protocol)就是为了限定各个层的标准,使得不同的开发商能在开发产品完成相应功 能的同时,能够互相兼容。 …

8.网络协议网络协议(Protocol)是一种特殊的软件,是计算机网络实现其功能的最基本机制。网络协议的本质是规则,即各种硬件和软件必 …


1.The IMAP protocol allows you to see through your email messages at the email server before you download them.在你下载邮件时,IMAP协议允许你在邮件服务器上浏览邮件消息。

2.Through it all, I'll keep a rather skeptical eye out to be sure that this SOAP evaluation avoids the hype the protocol has attracted.经过所有这些之后,我仍会保持一种怀疑的眼光,以确保这一SOAP评估避免协议已引来的欺骗。

3.The pNFS protocol transfers file metadata (formally known as a layout) between the pNFS server and a cpent node.pNFS协议在pNFS服务器和客户机节点之间传输文件元数据(正式名称是布局)。

4.The schedupng node and the execution node use a protocol that ensures that the state information is kept on disk by at least one of them.调度节点和执行节点通过一个协议来确保至少它们其中一个要在磁盘上保持那些状态信息。

5.It's easy to tell how useful XMPP is as a protocol from the vast number of languages it now supports.从XMPP支持众多语言这点就能轻松判断出,XMPP是一种非常有用的协议。

6.This kind of detail can be invaluable when trying to debug any network protocol that you are using.这些详细信息在调试您使用的任何网络协议时是非常有用的。

7.Appletalk is not a required protocol for Exchange, so you may remove it from the server if it is not needed for any other purpose.Appletalk不是Exchange的必需协议,因此,如果不需要用于任何其他目的,可以从服务器将其删除。

8.The dynamic nature of the modern environment requires some changes to the X protocol in the form of new or modified extensions.现代环境的动态本性要求X协议作出一些改进,或者变为新的形式,或者具有改进的扩展。

9.This problem is usually down to a change in the server protocol, which means that each cpent needs to be updated.此类问题通常可归结为服务器协议的改变,这意味着每个客户端都需要升级。

10.In particular, the market for the sort of offset sanctioned by the Kyoto protocol will dry up, as buyers wait to see what the future holds.特别的,由于购买者将持续观望,等待未来情况明朗,京都议定书所确定的那种有补偿制度的市场将失去作用。