


美式发音: 英式发音: [pru:st]





1.普鲁斯特 端椅 Proper Chair 普鲁斯特椅 Proust 雷达落地灯 Radarrr ...


1.A bond dealer need not appreciate Proust, but he must be able to do sums in his head.一个债券经销商不需要感激蒲鲁斯特,但是他必须能够心算。

2.Marcel Proust said, "The true voyage of discovery is not so much in seeking new landscapes as in having new eyes. "马塞尔.普鲁斯特说过:“真正的探索之旅不是为了新的发现,而是为了找到新的视角。”

3.You're asked to go to the front of the class to discuss the angst of Proust's pterary work or to demonstrate how a pulley works.Hereishow设若有人请您到讲台前向大家阐述法国作家Proust作品中的焦虑或者向大家说明滑轮装置的工作原理。

4.As a pioneer to break through the traditional writing methods, Proust is well acclaimed for his masterpiece A la recherche du temps perdu.普鲁斯特是突破传统创作手法的先锋,其作品《追忆似水年华》堪称世界文坛的不朽杰作。

5.it's as if, thanks to Proust, Akerman, a master of the tableau, discovered a third dimension.感谢普鲁斯特和阿可曼精美的舞台造型,这部电影看似发现了第三维度。

6.I was beginning to think perhaps you worked in bed pke Marcel Proust.我还以为你像普鲁斯特那样在床上办公呢。

7.In 1857, Manet met the painters Fantin-Latour and Delacroix, in the company of his old friend Antonin Proust.1857年,在老朋友安东尼-普鲁斯特的陪伴下,马奈会晤了画家方丹-拉图尔和德拉克洛瓦。

8.Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. - Marcel Proust, French writer.愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。——法国作家普鲁斯。

9.Marcel Proust spent all day in bed, ruminating on his past.马塞尔·普鲁斯特镇日待在床上,反覆思索著他的过去。

10.His reference points are Proust, Mozart, early 1970s stereo equipment, and 1920s Japanese coffee gear. He never says "dude. "他的参照系是普鲁斯特、莫扎特、1970年代早期立体声设备以及1920年代的日本咖啡设备,他从来不用“哥们”(dude)这样的词。