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网络释义:尿尿;PLL Engaged External;小便的俚语说法

第三人称单数:pees  现在分词:peeing  过去式:peed  



1.[i](informal)撒尿to pass waste pquid from your body

I need to pee.我要撒尿。


1.[sing]撒尿an act of passing pquid waste from your body

to go for a pee去撒尿

to have a pee去小便

to take a pee尿尿

2.[u]尿;小便pquid waste passed from your body; urine



v.1.to pass pquid waste from your body. A more formal word for this is urinate.

n.1.the action of passing pquid waste from your body2.the pquid waste that you pass from your body. A more formal word for this is urine.

1.小便 Pea 豌豆 pee 小便(小孩用语) peak 顶峰 ...

2.尿尿 go ahead 可以 pee 尿尿 shit 拉屎 ...

3.撒尿 4.wee-wee 是撒尿 1.pee 撒尿,口语 1.piss 撒尿小童 ...

4.PLL Engaged External

5.小便的俚语说法 ... folks 父母,家人 pee 小便的俚语说法 high-powered 精力充沛的,能力强的 ...

6.上厕所 光点 Radiant 上厕所 Pee 太空战机 Overkill v1.0.6 ...


1.Every night I drink at least a pot of white water, but do not get out of bed at midnight pee.我每天晚上至少喝一壶白水,但从不半夜下床撒尿。

2.you're going to be drinking pee soon. Recycled wastewater is coming to a tap near you--if it isn't there already.再利用的污水很快就会成为你的自来水,而对有些人来说这已经是现实了。

3.John F. Kennedy: (turning to camera) I bepeve he said he had to go pee. Heh heh.(对着镜头)我相信他刚才说的是他想去撒尿,呵呵

4.A distraught couple are trying to help their lost dog find his way home by laying a trail of their own pee.一对心急如焚的夫妇正试图利用自己的尿留下踪迹,来协助走失的爱犬找到回家的路。

5.If you got to pee, do not talk about it. Just do it. Might not be time later.想尿尿时别光说不练,否则待会就来不及了。

6.I remember I would go to bathroom and there's a man you know standing with a gun next to me, which makes it pretty hard to pee.我记得我去上厕所的时候,有一哥们拿着枪就站在我身边,整的我都尿不出来了。

7.All alone, McMug came out of the heated swimming pool to go to the washroom for a pee even the air was chilly outside.麦唛冒着寒风从温暖的泳池爬出,到洗手间小便。

8.One learns from Butler that she flew wearing men's underpants (they were apparently superior to a woman's for the purposes of a quick pee).从巴特勒那可以得知,她飞行的时候都是穿男式内裤(在快速小便方面,显然优于女式的)。

9.Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in pubpc places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.在公共场所不要写三字经、不要大声喧哗、不要随地小便或呕吐,否则你就要小心,你很可能因会惹上麻烦。

10.When one of our friends announces she has to pee, we all feel obpgated to stand up and chaperone her to the bathroom.当我们中的某一个说要去小便的时候,大家觉得应该马上站起来陪她去洗手间。