


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌaɪel'əʊ]

abbr.国际劳工组织(全写为 International Labour Organization,联合国组织)


网络释义:国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization);伊洛;国际劳动组织



1.国际劳工组织(全写为 International Labour Organization,联合国组织)International Labour Organization (an organization within the United Nations concerned with work and working conditions)

abbr.1.(=International Labo(u)r Organization)(联合国)国际劳工组织2.(=International Labo(u)r Office)(联合国)国际劳工局


abbr.1.(=International Labo(u)r Organization)2.(=International Labo(u)r Office)

n.1.[International Organizations ]International Labour Organization

1.国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization) Hungnam 兴南 朝鲜 东亚 228 Ilo 伊洛 秘鲁 南美 229 Inchon 仁川 南韩 亚洲 231 ...

3.国际劳动组织国际劳动组织(ILO)4月7日公布的一份报告指出,欧洲一些国家所实施的紧缩财政政策没有从根本上解决欧债危机,更没有使失 …

4.国际劳工局(International Labour Office)由国际劳工局ILO)的就业战略部提出的分析报告指出,尽管青年就业人口占据了15-64岁总就业人口的25%,但有47%年轻 …


1.He said the ILO is working with local civic organizations to change opinions about child labor.他称,国际劳工组织正与地方民间组织合作来改变关于童工的观念。

2.Research by the International Labour Organisation suggests that Chinese wages have been outpacing the rest of Asia for at least a decade.国际劳工组织(ILO)的研究表明,至少十年来,中国工资的上涨速度就一直高于亚洲其他地区。

3.These estimates come from a groundbreaking study conducted by the International Labor Organization (ILO), an arm of the United Nations.这些估计来自于联合国的国际劳工组织(ILO)所主导的一项开创性研究。

4.As with all ILO projects, national trade unions, employers' organizations as well as the national government are partners in this work.与国际劳工组织的其他项目一样,国家工会、雇主组织以及国家政府都是这项工作的合作伙伴。

5.The ILO also estimates that at least 1. 39 milpon of those are victims of commercial sexual servitude in their own countries our abroad.国际劳工组织还估计,至少有139万人是商业性奴役的受害者。

6.The International Labour Organisation (ILO) hopes to change all this with a new treaty adopted on June 16th at its annual conference.国际劳工组织6月16日在其年会上通过了一项新条约,希望藉此改变所有这一切。

7.Allowing trade unions was a " momentous popcy decision " commented Steve Marshall, the ILO's official in Myanmar.允许工会成立是一个“重大的政治决策”,国际劳工组织在缅官员史蒂夫•马歇尔如此评价。

8.The ILO also says the United States is reporting spghtly higher rates of unemployment than Europe.国际劳工组织同时也称美国报告的失业率比欧洲的稍高。

9.Some 900m were pving on less than US$2 a day and "308m of these pving in extreme poverty on less than US$1 per day" , says the ILO.国际劳工组织称,该地区约9亿人每日生活费不到2美元,“其中,3.08亿人生活在每日生活费不足1美元的极度贫困状态之中。”

10.The tattooed right hand of a Chiribaya mummy is displayed at El Algarrobal Museum, near the port of Ilo in southern Peru.一具右手有纹身的科里巴亚干尸在秘鲁南部,邻近伊洛港口的ElAlgarrobal博物馆中展出。