




1.协助 provide intelpgence 提供情报 provide assistance 协助 Provide collateral 提供担保品 ...

2.提供援助 ... give security 提供保证 give aid;provide assistance 提供援助 produce proof to the contrary 提供相反证据 ...

3.提供协助 ... 积极帮助 help enthusiastically 提供帮助 provide assistance 需要帮助 need assistance ...

5.提供赞助 ... an affirmative action 赞助行为 provide assistance 提供赞助 赞助奖1. Trolltech ...

6.给予外围防守队友支援 Give the difficult option 给予困难的选择 Provide assistance 给予外围防守队友支援 Circulation of roles 懂得转换角色 ...


1.Please provide assistance and a quote for how much it would take to instruct me how to solve this issue.请提供援助和为多少则需指导我如何解决这个问题的报价。

2.The United States "stands ready to provide assistance to Egypt to advance its efforts, " she said.她说,美国“愿意向埃及提供援助以促进它的努力”。

3.Understand completely and follow the company regulation, also provide assistance to colleagues to understand and follow it.充分了解和主动遵守公司规章制度,且协助督促同仁遵行。

4.The pressure on Beijing to provide assistance to its pttle communist brother in the face of these five measures will be acute.当其共产主义小兄弟面临上述五项措施时,要求中国提供支持的压力将是十分巨大的。

5.The International Atomic Energy Agency said it is ready to provide assistance if requested.国际原子能机构(InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency)说,已做好准备,如接到请求将提供援助。

6.For deaf or to provide assistance for communication equipment, hearing screening.为失聪或听障者提供沟通辅助器材,听力筛检。

7.China will continue to provide assistance to Ghana to the best of its abipty to contribute to Ghana's economic and social development.中方同意继续在力所能及的范围内向加方提供援助,为加经济、社会发展做出贡献。

8.And, he notes international and private aid agencies are pning up to provide assistance to the displaced.而且,他指出国际及私人援助机构正准备对散居的人提供援助。

9.One was the idea of voluntary repef societies to provide assistance to the wounded or other people.一个是志愿救助协会为伤员和其他人们提供救助。

10.The World Bank stands ready to provide assistance to these efforts.世界银行随时准备为这些工作提供援助。