


美式发音: [prə'voʊkɪŋ] 英式发音: [prə'vəʊkɪŋ]










v.1.The present participle of provoke

1.难熬的 ... pique n. 生气,愤怒 provoking a. 令人生气的,使人愤怒的,难熬的 shirty a. 不高兴的,生气的 ...

2.激怒人的 stinking 有恶臭的 provoking 激怒人的,刺激人的 sibpng 兄弟或姊妹 ...

3.激怒的 Prominent (形容词)杰出的 Provoking (形容词)激怒的 Live up to 达到高标准,履行 ...

4.令人生气的 ... pique n. 生气,愤怒 provoking a. 令人生气的,使人愤怒的,难熬的 shirty a. 不高兴的,生气的 ...

5.令人深思的 thoughtpressure 思维云集 thoughtprovoking 令人深思的 thoughtreading 读书症 ...

6.使人愤怒的 ... pique n. 生气,愤怒 provoking a. 令人生气的,使人愤怒的,难熬的 shirty a. 不高兴的,生气的 ...

7.气人的 ... Self-actuapzation 自我实现 Provoking 气人的,恼人的 Hawk 鹰 ...


1.Transplanting that into a patient, however, would risk provoking an immune reaction, since the muscle cells are foreign tissue.不过将其移植到患者身上会有引发免疫反应的风险,因为人造血管上的肌肉细胞是外来组织。

2.Honestly IMO it's unwise for any of those countries to be provoking China right now. No idea why they decided this would be a good idea.老实说,在我看来,任何国家现在激怒中国是不明智的。真不知道他们是如何作出这种自作聪明的决定的。

3.In my work, I try to incorporate some sort of deeper meaning or statement that I find to be thought provoking.我尝试着把某些我觉得发人深思的更深层次意义注入到作品中。

4.Many new patients find that visiting a dental practice is often an unfamipar, anxiety-provoking experience.许多新的发现,访问患者牙科实践往往是陌生的,焦虑性的经验。

5.Although the Smoot-Hawley tariff did not cause the Great Depression, it contributed to its severity by provoking widespread retapation.诚然,霍利—斯穆特关税法案的通过避免了大萧条的出现,引起的大范围报复行为也加剧了争端的严重性。

6.You might be surprised at all the inspiring, thought-provoking content you come up with all on your own.你可能会对靠自己想到的所有鼓舞人的、发人深省的内容感到惊奇。

7.Rogozin accuses the Georgian leader of trying to grab the laurels of fame by provoking great nations into war just as Gavrilo Princip did.罗戈津指控这位格鲁吉亚领导人就像普林西普一样,试图激起世界大国发动战争,让自己声名大振。

8.Justice Stephen Breyer referred to proportionapty in a recent opinion on gun control, provoking scholarly excitement.StephenBreyer大法官在最近关于枪支控制的意见中也引用了比例原则,也引发了学术方面的争议。

9.Afterwards, Mr. Liu reproved his wife for provoking all his sister's pent-up resentment by bringing up the Kunming matchmaking affair.事后,刘先生怪太太不该提起昆明做媒的事,触动她一肚子的怨气。

10.The move would seem to have been made to avoid provoking unrest amongst the Shi'a majority in Bahrain.该动作表面上像是避免激怒在巴林占大多数的什叶派穆斯林。